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ICCT 2018 Video

(1) ICCT2018 Proceeding
(2) Awarding List of ICCT2018 & ISCC2018

Aim & Scope

Design & Culture Technology in Intelligent Machine Era

  ICCT is the first and comprehensive international conference on the various aspects of culture technology and its applications. International Conference on Culture Technology 2018 will provide a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of cultural technology. The goal of this conference is to bring together the researchers from academic and industry to share ideas, works, problems and solutions related to the multifaced aspects of culture technology. Authors are invited to submit original papers and works in all areas related to culture technologies and their applications. Topics include, but not limited to, the following areas:

1. Digital Contents

(a) VR & AR: Augmented reality, Virtual reality, Mixed reality, Multiple realistic space implementation, industry adaptive VR
(b) Game: Massive on-line game based on virtual world, Game for welfare promotion, Immersing cinematic reality game, Game utilization in culture
(c) Convergence Contents: Senseware, Smart contents, Edu-Contents
(d) Media: Animation CG, Digital cinema

2. Foundation / Source

(a) Contents Design: Storytelling, Contents producton pipeline
(b) Graphics: Physical engine, Rendering, 3D stereoscopic, Motion graphics, Hologram
(c) UX-based Interface: User experience, Action recognition
(d) Social Media: Social media analysis and utilization
(e) Data Management: Data retrieval for culture contents, Data collection and analysis for culture contents, DB modeling for culture contents, DBMS for culture contents
(f) Sound & Music: Sound technology and music technology

3. Performance / Exihibition

(a) Performance Technology: Technology of cutting edge of performance, Massive performance technology,
(b) Exihibition Technology: Advanced implementation technology, Digital exihibition technology
(c) Crafts Technology: Traditional material modernization, production technology modernization
(d) Traditional Music Technology: Modernization of traditional music, Advancement of traditional musical instruments, Populizing traditional music

4. Culture Service

(a) Cultural Heritage Technology: Culture enjoyment support technology, Restoration technology of original form
(b) Tourism Service Technology: Evaluation medel of tourism resources, Characterization technology of tourrism factor, Awareness raising of tourism R&D, Construction of tourism R&D support system
(c) Sports Service Technology: U-sports care service, Sports service marketing, Sports service information, Sports image/video analysis, virtual sports
(d) Library Technology: Journal publishing technology, Repositary technology
(e) Museum Technology: All museum technologies including exhibition and preservation technology
(f) Copyright Technology: Copyright protection & usage technology, Detection technology of copyright infringement, Management of copyright-works distribution

5. Advanced Technology

(a) Machine Intelligence: Intelligent technology applied to culture technology, New AI technology
(b) IOT & Big Data: IOT & Big-data technology applied in culture technology, New IOT & Big Data technology

6. Humanity / Social Science

(a) Culture & Technology in Humanity: Culture and technology related with humanity study
(b) Culture & Technology in Social Science: Culture and technology related with social science study

7. Art / Design

(a) Culture & Technology in Art: Culture and technology related with art
(b) Culture & Technology in Design: Culture and technology related with design

8. Convergence Technologies

All convergence technologies not limited to a specific field

9. Special Session

Papers & Submission

All papers will be fully refereed and undergo a blind review process by at least three referees of the international program committee. All accepted papers will be published in International Conference on Culture Technology 2018 Proceedings. Distinguished papers presented in the conference will be further revised and published in special issues of prestigious international journals(SCIE, SCOPUS, IJCT)
The paper must be written in English and follow the ICCT paper template provided below. The paper length is limited to no more than 6 pages. Papers must be submitted only in MS-WORD(Doc) format. All paper submissions will be handled electronically via online submission system at the conference webpage

*** Paper Template Download: Click here to download. ***
*** Copyright Form: Click here to download. ***

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission: September 20  September 30, 2018
Acceptance Notification: October 10  October 20, 2018
Camera-Ready Paper Submission: October 25, 2018
Early Registration: October 25, 2018

Conference Venue

Zhijiang College of Zhejiang Univ. of Technology, Shaoxing, China

Contact Information

If you have any question for the conference, please contact Program Chair at dongkyun@knu.ac.kr.


Hosted by

International Association for Convergence Science & Technology (http://iacst.org),
Korea Science & Art Forum (http://www.ksaforum.or.kr),
Zhijiang College of Zhejiang Univ. of Technology, Shaoxing, China (http://www.zjc.zjut.edu.cn/)
Yuanpei College of Shaoxing University
Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages

In Cooperation with

Design Intelligence Award (http://www.di-award.org)

Sponsored by

Oriental Consultants Global, Japan
Jinggong Holding Group, China
Autodesk, USA
Pinetree Asosociates, Korea
CHM Corporation, Korea
Paratus Investment, Korea




Steering Committee

Professor, Dongkyun Kim
KyungPook National University, IACST

Professor Emeritus, Kwangyun Wohn
KAIST, South Korea

Professor, Chonggi Kim
Shanghai University of Engineering & Science, China

Professor, TongJin Kim
Purdue University, USA

Professor, YongUk Lee
Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan

Professor, Rolly Intan
Petra Christian University, Indonesia

Professor, Guydeuk Yeon
Christ University, India

Professor, Intiraporn Mulasastra
Kasetsart University, Thailand

Professor, SeHyun Park
Daegu University, South Korea

Professor, EunYi Kim
Konkook University, South Korea

CEO, SangHyo Lee
Namu Edutech, IACST

Professor, Xia Yingchong
Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology, China

President, Bill Chen
Zhejiang Creative Textile Industry Research Institute, China

Professor, Sungpil Lee
Dongseo University, South Korea

Professor, Fei Hao
Shanxi Normal University, China

Professor, Hisaki Nate
Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan

Professor, Elena Tsomko
Dongseo University, Russian Federation

Professor, I Putu Agung Bayupati
Udayana University, Indonesia

Professor, Yulia M. Kom
Petra Christian University, Indonesia

Rector, Dam Quang Minh
Western University, Vietnam

Professor, Ted Shin
Denver Metropolitan University, USA

Professor, Donghwa Lee
Daegu University, South Korea

Professor, Sian Lun Lau
Sunway University, Malaysia

Professor, Hyeyoung Ko
Seoul Women's University, South Korea

Professor, Jiman Hong
Soongsil University, South Korea

Professor, KyungSoo Kwon
Dongseo University, IACST

Professor, Lee Yun Li
Sunway University, Malaysia

Professor, Tae-Young Byun
Daegu Catholic University, South Korea

Professor, Jaeho Pyeon
San Jose State University, USA

Professor, Ngoc Le
Swinburne University of Technology, Vietnam

Professor, Kiesu Kim
Silla University, South Korea

Professor, Seungpok Choi
Silla University, South Korea

Professor, Mustafa Eren Yildirim
American University of Malta, Turkey

Professor, Hyunjin Chun
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Chief, Adam CHee
Smart Health Leadership Centre, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Professor, Weeraphan Chanhom
Chiang Mai University, Thailand

Professor, Soonki Jung
Kyungpook National University, South Korea

Professor, Soon Ki Jung
Kyungpook National University, Korea

Organizing Committee

Honorable Chairs

Dr. Li Penglin
President of Zhijiang College of ZJC, China
Dr. Chen Dehong
Deputy Mayor of Shaoxing City, China
Dr. Yanjin Ma
Mayor of Kechao District, Shaoxing City, China
Prof. He Renke
Dean of Hunan University, China
Dr. Pyeoungkee Kim
President of IACST

Organizing Chairs

Dr. TaeSoo Yun
Dongseo University, Korea
Dr. Xia Yingchong
Zhijiang College of ZJUT, China
Dr. Chen Hao
Shaoxing University, China
President Bill Chen
Zhejiang Creative Textile Industry Research Institute, China

Registration Chairs

Dr. SeHyun Park
Daegu University, Korea
Dr. DongHwa Lee
Daegu University, Korea

Local Arrangement Chairs

Dr. Haixiang Heo
Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign University, China

Publicity Chairs

Dr. EunYi Kim
Konkuk University, Korea

Publication Chair

Prof. KyungSu Kwon
Dongseo University, Korea
Ms. Junghye Kim

Technical Program Committee

TPC Chairs

Dr. Dongkyun Kim
Kyungpook National University, Korea
Dr. Xia Yingchong
Zhijiang College of ZUT, China
Dr. Rattasit Sukhahuta
Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Dr. Sungpil Lee
Dongseo University, Korea
Dr. Hyeyoung Ko
Seoul Women's University, Korea

International Advisory Committee

Dr. Kazuo Sugiyama
Oriental Consultant, Japan
Dr. Kwangyun Wohn
NST, Korea
Dr. Chonggi Kim
Shanghai University of Science & Technology, China
Dr. Tongjin Kim
Purdue University, USA

Exhibition Committee

Design Program Chairs

Prof. Jinku Lee
Handong University, Korea
Prof. Xia Yingchong
ZJC, China
Prof. Kiesu Kim
Silla University, Korea
Prof. Seungpok Choi
Silla University, Korea

Keynote Speech

Invited Speech

Speech Title: TBD

Biography of Academician Pan Yunhe

Prof. Kwangyun WohnAcademician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, China

Pan Yunhe (1946.11.4-), an expert in computer applications. Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. He graduated from the Department of architecture of Tongji University in Shanghai in 1970. 1981 graduated from the computer department of Zhejiang University and received a master's degree, he served as lecturer, associate professor, Department of computer science professor. He was president of Zhejiang University in August -2006. May 1995. Since June 2006, he served as executive vice president of Chinese Academy of engineering. In March 2013, he was appointed member of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference and director of the foreign affairs committee. He is also a member of the academic degree committee of the State Council, an advisor to the China Association of science and technology, and an honorary chairman of the Chinese society of image and graphics. Pan Yunhe is one of the pioneers in the field of intelligent CAD and computer art in china. He has long been engaged in the research of computer graphics, artificial intelligence, computer aided design and industrial design, computer art, intelligent CAD, computer aided product innovation, virtual reality, digital cultural relic protection and digital library and other fields, has undertaken many important scientific research topic, made a number of research results, and has good economic benefits and social benefits. He has published many research papers, and has won many national, provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological awards. In 1997, he was elected academician of Chinese Academy of engineering.




Invited Speech

Speech Title: TBD

Biography of Professor Kwangyun Wohn

Prof. Kwangyun WohnChairman of Korea NST /Professor Emeritus, KAIST, Korea

He used "Culture Technology" first in the world

1986~1990: Professor, University of Pennsylvania, USA
1991~2004: Professor, KAIST, Korea
2005 ~ 2011 Founder & Dean, Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST
2005~ President, HCI Association, Korea
2017.10.23~ Chairman, National Research Council of Science & Technology, Korea







Invited Speech

Speech Title: TBD

Biography of Professor He Renke

Prof. He RenkeProfessor, Hunan University, China

Dean of Hunan University
Vice Chair of the China Industrial Design Association

Professor Renke He, born in 1958, studied civil engineering and architecture at Hunan University in China. From 1987 to 1988, he was a visiting scholar at the Industrial Design Department of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen and, from 1998 to 1999, at North Carolina State University's School of Design. Renke He is dean and professor of the School of Design at Hunan University and is also director of the Chinese Industrial Design Education Committee. Currently, he holds the position of vice chair of the China Industrial Design Association.




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Country of the First Author
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Paper Category
Preferred Presentation Method

Paper-File Attachment

*** (File-Type: doc, docx) ***

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Conference to Participate



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Exhibition to Participate




November 15(Thursday), Day for Friendship
Place: Yuanpei College, Shaoxing, China

Time Program

Exhibition Setup by CADI / ISCC 2018 Committee

@ Yuanpei College

Visiting Shaoxing Industry(Jinggong Holding Group)
(Buses leave from Mirrorlake Hotel)

@ Shaoxing Jinggong Holding Group

Welcome Reception

( IACST directors, Vips, and all participating professors are welcome to join )
@ Mirrorlake Hotel

November 16(Friday), Day for Excellence
Place: Zhijiang College of Zhejiang Univ. of Technology, Shaoxing, China

Time Program
08:00~09:00 Move to Zhijiang College (by bus)


@ ZJC(Zhijiang College) Auditorium

ICCT2018 Opening Ceremony

.Opening Address (President, IACST)
.Welcome Message (President, ZJC)
.Congratulatory Message (Vice Mayor, Shaoxing City)
.Congratulatory Message (Party Secretariat, ZJC)

@ ZJC Auditorium

Keynote Speech

Dr. Pan Yunhe (Academician, Previous President of China Academy of Engineering, China)

@ ZJC Auditorium
11:30~11:40 Tea Break

Keynote Speech

Dr. Kwangyun Wohn (Chair, National Committee of Science & Technology, Korea)

@ ZJC Auditorium

Lunch Time

@ ZJC Cafeteria

Special Session 1

"Higher Education in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era"

.President of Kyungpook National University, Korea
.President of Petra Christian University, Indonesia
.General Secretary of Zhejiang International Studies University, China

@ ZJC Auditorium

Tea Break & Session Preparation


Oral Paper Presentation (FR)

( Session FR1~FR7 )

@ ZJC Building 3, Room#: 3C106 ~ 3C131
18:20~19:00 Move to the Hotel(by bus), Dinner for Applicants in the ZJC Cafeteria

November 17(Saturday), Day for Design & Convergence
Place: Yuanpei College, Shaoxing, China
Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages, Shaoxing, China

Time Program
Move to Yuanpei College (for Poster-Paper Presenters, by bus)
Move to Yuanpei College (for General Participants, by bus)

Settting Up for Poster Paper Presentation

@ International Culture Exchange Center(Floor 2), Yuanpei College

Poster Paper Presentation (ST-P)

@ International Culture Exchange Center(Floor 2), Yuanpei College

CADI / ISCC 2018 Opening Ceremony

.Congraturatory Message (President of Yuanpei College)
.Welcome Address (CADI2018 Organizing Chair)

@ International Center for Culture Exchange (Floor 1), Yuanpei College

Keynote Speech

Dr. He Renke (Dean, Hunan Univ., China)

@ International center for Culture Exchange(Floor 1), Yuanpei College

CADI / ISCC 2018 Tape Cutting & Viewing

.Tape cutting & Viewing (together)

@ International Center for Culture Exchange(Floor 1 & 2), Yuanpei College

Lunch Time

@ Yuanpei College Cafeteria

Special Session 2

"Industrial Design in AI Era"
.Congraturatory Message (President of Yuexiu University)
"Keqiao District Talent Policy"

@ Yuexiu Univ. (Library Auditorium)

15:40~16:00 Tea Break & Session Preparation

Oral Paper Presentation (ST)

( Session ST1~ST6 )

@ Yuexiu Univ. (Teaching Building 1, 116~131)
17:40~18:40 Move to the Hotel (by bus)

ICCT/CADI/ISCC 2018 Awarding Ceremony
Banquet & Performance

Banquet Hall @ the Mirrorlake Hotel

November 18(Sunday), Day for Culture Experience
Place: Mirrorlake Hotel, Shaoxing, China

Time Program

Industry - Acdemy Cooperation Meeting

@ Seminar Room, Mirrorlake Hotel

Evaluation (by Organizing Committee)

@ Seminar Room, Mirrorlake Hotel


Oral Presentation

Session FR1 - Digital Contents 1
16th 16:20 ~ 18:00, Session Chair : Prof. Mi Jin Kim (Dongseo University, Korea)
#562 "A UI Text Layout in VR Simulation based on Field of View," Youngjick Jang, Nakhyeon Ku and Taesoo Yun (Dongseo University, Korea)
#474 "Characteristic Components of Meta Rule in Battle Royale Games," Gyuhyeok Choi and Mijin Kim (Dongseo University, Korea)
#479 "Usability Evaluation of Locomotion Technology for Expansion of Space in Virtual Reality Game," Xuihui Ding, Youngjick Jang, Taesoo Yun (Dongseo University, Korea), Pareena Jirapongsatorn and Sasina Arsingsamanan (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
#506 "Match move workflow for live-action production using game engine," Zhou Jia Ni, Hyungwoo Jin, Kwangho Baek and Taesoo Yun (Dongseo University, Korea)
#537 "Mass Cultural Implications of the Affluent Class Characters Recreated in Chinese Dramas," Zongbin Yao and Hyunseok Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)

Session FR2 - Advanced Technology 1
16th 16:20 ~ 18:00, Session Chair : Prof. I Putu Agung Bayupati (Udayana University, Indonesia)
#591 "An UWB-based Indoor Positioning System Model and Applications," Junho Seo, Sungwon Lee, Yonghwan Jeong, Yeongjoon Bae and Dongkyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
#568 "Cultural heritage guide system: a combination of augmented reality, deep learning and culture technology," Maryam Shakeri and Abolghasem Sadeghi-Niaraki (K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran)
#619 "Segehan Identification system for Android Using HSV and Invariant Moment," I Made Adi Sedana, I Putu Agung Bayupati and Gusti Made Arya Sasmita (Udayana University, Indonesia)
#553 "Determinants of Data Quality in an Electric Utility: A Delphi Study," Intiraporn Mulasastra (Kasetsart University, Thailand) and K. Srimoung (Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand, Thailand)

Session FR3 - Asian Culture and Design
16th 16:20 ~ 18:00, Session Chair : Prof. Juyoung, Chang (Dongseo University, Korea)
#587 "The characteristics and changes of modern Korean house design since 1960's," Jiyoung Yoon and Zhangjingyu (Dongseo University, Korea)
#708 "Characteristics of Korean Webtoon and Its Expandability," Haeyoon Kim (Dongseo University, Korea)
#439 "Understanding Empathy among Malaysian Animation Viewers' towards Malaysian Animated Film Character," Mohd Rosli Bin Arshad (University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
#532 "Local content in 48 Group Branding Strategy: Focused on JKT48 as a Case Study," Cindy Muljosumarto (Petra Christian University, Indonesia)
#465 "Trust and creation, two key words of empathic design tool for the Chinese," Suwen Ma (Jingchu University of Technology, China) and Juyoung Chang (Dongseo University, Korea)

Session FR4 - Art / Design 1
16th 16:20 ~ 18:00, Session Chair : Prof. Tong Jin Kim (Purdue University, USA)
#569 "Artificial Intelligence as Designers: Assistants or Substitutes?," Xiao Ma (Purdue University, USA)
#478 "How to improve the sensation of distance when interacting with objects in VR game," Nakhyeon Ku, Youngjick Jang and Taesoo Yun (Dongseo University, Korea)
#461 "Industrial Design as an Essential Component for Assistive Technology Development and Business Success," Daniel Fernando Madrinan-Chiquito (Purdue University, USA)
#527 "Analysis of the narrative elements in the film —disscuss violent films of South Korea and China," Zhang Shu and Wonho Choi (Dongseo University, Korea)
#574 "New design innovation and technology are creating new problems in our community," Min Liu (Purdue University, USA)

Session FR5 - Art / Design 2
16th 16:20 ~ 18:00, Session Chair : Prof. Rolly Intan (Petra Christian University, Indonesia)
#552 "Gathering creativity from different specializations in an educational institution: A proposal to design school," Dong Joe Han (Purdue University, USA)
#621 "The possibility of the content expression of the film with minimalism: Taking"WORK"as an example," Zhao Hongbo and Yonguk Lee (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan)
#463 "Emotion Extraction from paintings based on Luscher Color test and Culture Technology (CT)," Babak Ranjgar, Mahdi Khoshlahjeh Azar and Abolghasem Sadeghi-Niaraki (K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran)
#472 "Maximizing Designer Effectiveness in a Convergent World," Keith Williams (Purdue University, USA) (video presentation)
#466 "Gamification engages children in UX research," Weilun Huang (Purdue University, USA)

Session ST1 - Digital Contents 3
17th 16:00 ~ 17:40, , Session Chair : Prof. Chul Young, Choi (Dongseo University, Korea)
#496 "Color characteristics of Mexican afterlife expressed in animated film <Coco>," Xiaoshuang Zhang and Donghyuk Choi (Dongseo University, Korea)
#572 "Utilization Plan of 3D Digital Actor as Digital Interface," Dongwoo Lee, Hyungjin Jeon and Hongsik Pak (Dongseo University, Korea)
#551 "Analyzing the Motion Graphics Animation in the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)," Lin Xiao and Hyunseok Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)
#548 "Analysis of Anthropology Based on Ethnic Culture - Case Study of <Huayao Bride In Shangri-La, 2005>," Chunliang Zhang and Hyunseok Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)

Session ST2 - Foundation / Source / Culture Service
17th 16:00 ~ 17:40, Session Chair : Prof. Ted Shin (Metropolitan University of Denver, USA)
#518 "Temporal Expressions Extraction and Normalization for Cultural Heritage Archive Using Word Vector Representation," Watchira Buranasing, Thepchai Supnithi, Pattaraporn meeklai, Phattarapol Jantarasena and Petchwadee Pattarathananan (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand)
#601 "Considerations on Digital Autobiography of the Elderly in the Digital Age," Seoni Joo, Hanil Kim and Seri Pansang (Jeju National University, Korea)
#602 "Creative expression of moving images using the interaction between emotion and hue - A case of <peacock > the moving image work.," Dong Siyuan and Yonguk Lee (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan)
#1018 "Locating Algorithm for the Indoor Robot based on Li-Fi Using the Multi-Beam," Pham Minh Trung, Minwoo Lee, Jinyeong Choi, Jaesang Cha (Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea)

Session ST3 - Advanced Technology 2
17th 16:00 ~ 17:40, Session Chair : Prof. Rattasit Sukhahuta (Chiang Mai University, Thailand)
#608 "Hand Gesture Recognition Assisted by Human Pose Information," Eunmi Park, Insu Kim and Soonki Jung (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
#606 "A Deep Neural Network based Environment Emulator in Individual Indoor Environment," Wenquan Jin and Dohyeun Kim (Jeju National University, Korea)
#618 "Information Technology Governance Audit Using COBIT 5 Framework in the Disaster Management Office," Komang Devi Tripika Dewi, I Putu Agung Bayupati and I Ketut Adi Purnawan (Udayana University, Indonesia)
#779 "The Effect of CEO Entrenchment on the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Firm Performance," Duangnapa Sukhahuta (Maejo University, Thailand)

Session ST4 - Humanity / Social Science / Technology
17th 16:00 ~ 17:40, Session Chair : Prof. Jaeho Pyeon (San Jose State University, USA)
#584 "Zhang Yiqing's Rosewood with Noble Character君紫檀 : From Zhouzhou to Gu Yongqi," Unha Kim (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China)
#559 "The Transmedia storytelling strategy and structures of heroes in Marvel Avengers films," Jaekyu Kim (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China)
#603 "Critical Success Factors for E-learning: An Indian Perspective," Namitha K Cheriyan (Christ University, India)
#885 "Disseminating Text through Cultural Technology: An Analysis With Reference To Indian Epics," Deepanjali Mishra and Mangal Sain (KIT University, India)
#597 "Case Study of Adapting AutoCAD, BIM and VR Software Used in AEC Industry," Jaeho Pyeon, Fatemeh Saffari (San Jose State University, USA) and Joonhee Maeng (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)

Session ST5 - Art / Design 3
17th 16:00 ~ 17:40, Session Chair : Prof. SungPil Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)
#482 "Evaluation of Framework System for Making Safety Training VR Simulation," Qiao Xie, Youngjick Jang and Taesoo Yun (Dongseo University, Korea)
#511 "Aesthetic Effect Expressed by the Theory of Truth and Fiction in CUC Technique: Focusing on Animation Movie," Heqi Geng and Donghyuk Choi (Dongseo University, Korea)
#529 "Analysis on the Chinese Market of Children's VR books," Ding Zhi Bo and Seungkeun Song (Dongseo University, Korea) (st-pt1->st2)
#775 "Application of Virtual Simulation Technology on the Practical Teaching Platform for Furniture Design," Wang Zheng Zheng (Shaoxing University Yuanpei College, China)

Session ST6 - Convergence Technology
17th 16:00 ~ 17:40, Session Chair : Prof. Fei Hao (Shaanxi Normal University, China)
#534 "Development of Virtual Reality Training System for steel mill Facility," Eeljin Chae (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China), Junho Lee (DAVID LINE STUDIO, USA) and Hosung Myung (Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China)
#554 "What do pictures say? Secrets and Lies through Image Manipulation," Hyokyung Choi and Eunjung Choi (Seoul Women's University, Korea)
#727 "Imagining the Future of Foods Through Speculative Design," Clarissa AL. Lee and Sian Lun Lau (Sunway University, Malaysia)
#848 "Understanding Thai Sentence Structure Using the X-Bar Theory of Phrase Structure," Rattasit Sukhahuta (Chian Mai University, Thailand)
#556 "Future User Behavior Prediction in the Case of Network Crash under Mobile Internet Environment," Yunran Ju (Purdue University, USA)

Session ST7 - Special Session : Higher Education
17th 16:00 ~ 17:40, Session Chair : Prof. Intiraporon Mulasastra (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
#586 "What do students expect from us?," Hekyung Kim (Dongseo University, Korea)
#533 "Smartphone Addiction Among University Students: Problems and Possible Solutions," Elena Tsomko (Dongseo University, Korea)
#620 "Achieving Graduate Attributes Through an Integrated Online Platform for International Collaboration: A Need Based Study," Guydeuk Yeon and Rinju George (Christ University, India)
#598 "A Transformative Next-Generation Student Connect and Pedagogy: A Holistic Change Driven Environment. "Engineering-Service Assisted Integrated Learning [E-SAIL]"," Iven Jose, Benny Thomas and M. R. Sudhir (Christ University, India)
#573 "Design Thinking: Cross-Disciplinary Disintegration Paradox," Jae H. Chae (Purdue University, USA)


Poster Presentation

Session ST-P1 - Digital Contents
17th 09:10 ~ 10:30, Session Chair : Prof. Weeraphan Chanhom (Chiang Mai University, Thailand)
#783 "Comparison of Various CNN Models in Railway Accident Prevention System," Ziyu Fang and Pyeoungkee Kim (Silla University, Korea)
#557 "A Study on Storytelling Directing Method Using Motion Clip of Digital Actor," Gu Jie and Chulyoung Choi (Dongseo University, Korea)
#536 "Aesthetics of Film Images in Oil Painting Animation-Focus on Loving Vincent," Yijun Cao and Hyunseok Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)
#782 "A Study on the Story of Gamification to Prevent Equalization of Personal Satisfaction and Self-esteem," Haein Kim, Sojung Lee and Hyeyoung Ko (Seoul Women's University, Korea)
#558 "Analysis of Influence Factors on VR Animation Viewing Behavior of Chinese Viewers," Hou Zheng Dong and Chulyoung Choi (Dongseo University, Korea)
#460 "Research on Ethnic Style of Animation Performance Based on Drama Performance," Dong Jiajia and Chulyoung Choi (Dongseo University, Korea)

Session ST-P2 - Digital Contents
17th 09:10 ~ 10:30, Session Chair : Prof. Hongsik Park (Dongseo University, Korea)
#524 "Analysis of Chinese Public Service Advertisements Based on Narratology," Kejing Wen and Wonho Choi (Dongseo University, Korea)
#561 "A Study on the Development of One IP(intellectual property) Animation & Game in Chinese Market," Pan Yang and Chulyoung Choi (Dongseo University, Korea)
#521 "The Proposal of Pipeline for Photorealistic 3D Object Modeling," Qi Zhang, Haitao Jiang, Yun Ji, Linwei Fu and Taesoo Yun (Dongseo University, Korea)
#507 "Realization of Realistic Wave Effect in Houdini under the Overlooking Angle," Jiani Zhou and Taesoo Yun (Dongseo University, Korea)
#531 "Chinese Animation's National Narrative: Monkey King vs. Little Door Gods," Ting Wu and Mijin Kim (Dongseo University, Korea)
#566 "Analysis On The Development Direction Of Chinese Animation In The Animation Market Under The New Animation Industry Chain," Ji Hui Yan and Chulyoung Choi (Dongseo University, Korea)

Session ST-P3 - Foundation & Source / Culture Service
17th 09:10 ~ 10:30, Session Chair Prof. : Eunyi Kim (Konkuk University, Korea)
#617 "Sunlight Radiation Analysis in Urban Scenario using Layered Accumulative Shadow Map," Woosuk Shin and Nakhoon Baek (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
#781 "Analysis of Success Factors of Korean Web Entertainments and Development Direction," Kiri Kim and Hyeyoung Ko (Seoul Women's University, Korea)
#593 "Location Estimation Algorithm of Docent Robot in Art Gallery Using Object Detection," Mihyeon Cheon and Donghwa Lee (Daegu University, Korea)
#604 "Introduction to Coding Education Using an Interactive ALTINO Robot," Jaeson Pyeon (Taejon Christian International School, Korea), Sukbum Kang, Jinhyun Kim and Seyoung Jeong (Saeon Co., Inc., Korea)
#774 "Initiating Global Service Learning Movement: A Best Practice of Petra Christian University," Rolly Intan (Petra Christian University, Indonesia)
#932 "Research on the Problems and Measures of the Construction of "Double-Qualified"Faculty in Independent Colleges," Luo Wenhui and Zheng Yaping (Zhijiang College of Zhejiang Unioversity of Technology, China)

Session ST-P4 - Advanced Technology
17th 09:10 ~ 10:30, Session Chair : Prof. Somchoke Rueng-itiinun (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
#756 "Pedestrian Detection using Spatial Haar-like Features," Jinxi Li, Daseul Shim, Longbin Jin, Sehyun Park and Eunyi Kim (Konkuk University, Korea)
#607 "A Virtualization Approach for Accessing IoT Resources and Appliances Control in Smart Home," Muhammad Ali Jibran, Shabir Ahmad, Wangcheol Song and Dohyeun Kim (Jeju National University, Korea)
#452 "CNN-based single object tracking framework for autonomous target tracking systems," Donghyun Lee (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea)
#711 "Voice recognition research and trend analysis," Hyemin Yun and Eunjung Choi (Seoul Women's University, Korea)
#773 "Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Speech Recognition Technology," Yena Lee, Uijeng Kang and Eunjung Choi (Seoul Women's University, Korea)
#890 "IoT-based Space Security Solution," Suji kim, Hwayon Park and Minseok Oh (Seoul Women's University, Korea)
#886 "Labs and Classes : An IoT Design and Implementation," Mohammed Abdulhakim Al-Absi, Kamolov Ahmadhon, KiHwan Kim, Ahmed Abdulhakim Al-Absi, Mangal Sain, Hoon Jae Lee, (Dongseo University, Korea)
#887 "General Study of Secure E-commerce Logistics Distribution," Rui FU, Mohammed Abdulhakim Al-Absi, Mangal Sain, Hoon Jae Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)
#888 "Survey on Digial Signature algorithm," Azamjon Abdullaeva, Mohammed Abdulhakim Al-Absia, Mangal Saib, Hoon Jae Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)
#889 "General Study of Digital Signature Schemes," Azamjon Abdullaev, Mohammed Abdulhakim Al-Absi, Mangal Sain, Hoon Jae Lee (Dongseo University, Krea)

Session ST-P5 - Art / Design
17th 09:10 ~ 10:30,Session Chair : Prof. Hyunseok Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)
#525 "Analysis of the functionality and aesthetic value based on the design of color in animation," Hao Shen and Donghun Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)
#528 "Cinematic Space and Mise-En-Scène Focusing on Hitchcock's Movies," Shuiqiang Dong and Wonho Choi (Dongseo University, Korea)
#519 "A Study of Korea Urban Regeneration from the Perspective of Feminist Geography," Shunping He and Kwanseon Hong (Dongseo University, Korea)


Special Session

Special Session 1 - Higher Education in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era
16th 14:00 ~ 15:40, Session Chair : Prof. Intiraporn Mulasastra (Kasetsart University, Thailand)

Special Session 2 - Industrial Design in AI Era
17th 14:00 ~ 15:40, Session Chair : Professor Xia Yingchong (Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology)

ICCT2018 Paper List

* Click the paper title to view in your web browser *

Submission No Corresponding Author Paper Title (by Session Name)
    Session FR1
# 474 GyuHyeok Choi Characteristic Components of Meta Rule in Battle Royale Games
# 479 DING XIUHUI Usability Evaluation of Locomotion Technology for Expansion of Space in Virtual Reality Game
# 506 Kwang-Ho Baek Match move workflow for live-action production using game engine
# 537 Zongbin Yao Mass Cultural Implications of the Affluent Class Characters Recreated in Chinese Dramas
# 562 Young Jick Jang A UI Text Layout in VR Simulation based on Field of View
    Session FR2
# 553 Intiraporn Mulasastra Determinants of Data Quality in an Electric Utility: A Delphi Study
# 568 Maryam Shakeri Cultural heritage guide system: a combination of augmented reality, deep learning and culture technology
# 591 Junho Seo An UWB-based Indoor Positioning System Model and Applications
# 619 I Made Adi Sedana Segehan Identification system for Android Using HSV and Invariant Moment
    Session FR3
# 439 Mohd Rosli Bin Arshad A correlation study of appealing characters in Malaysian Animated Film: Perception from Malaysian viewers
# 465 Suwen Ma Trust and creation, two key words of empathic design tool for the Chinese
# 532 Cindy Muljosumarto Local content in 48 Group Branding Strategy: Focused on JKT48 as a Case Study
# 587 Yoon Jiyoung The Characteristics and Changes of Modern Korean House Design Since 1960’s
# 708 Hae Yoon Kim Characteristics of Korean Webtoon and Its Expandability
    Session FR4
# 461 Daniel F. Madrinan-Chiquito Industrial Design as an Essential Component for Assistive Technology Development and Business Success.
# 478 NakHyeon Ku How to improve the sensation of distance when interacting with objects in VR game
# 519 Shunping He A Study of Korea Urban Regeneration from the Perspective of Feminist Geography
# 569 Xiao Ma Artificial Intelligence as Designers: Assistants or Substitutes?
# 574 Min Min New design innovation and technology are creating new problems in our community.
    Session FR5
# 463 Babak Ranjgar Emotion Extraction from paintings based on Luscher Color test and Culture Technology (CT)
# 466 Weilun Huang Gamification engages children in UX research
# 472 Keith Williams Maximizing Designer Effectiveness in a Convergent World
# 552 Dong Han Gathering creativity from different specializations in an educational institution: A proposal to design school
# 621 Hongbo Zhao The possibility of the content expression of the film with minimalism: Taking“WORK”as an example
    Session ST-P1
# 460 jiajia Dong Research on Ethnic Style of Animation Performance Based on Drama Performance
# 536 Yijun Cao Aesthetics of Film Images in Oil Painting Animation-Focus on Loving Vincent
# 557 Gu Jie A Study on Storytelling Directing Method Using Motion Clip of Digital Actor
# 558 Hou ZhengDong Analysis of Influence Factors on VR Animation Viewing Behavior of Chinese Viewers
# 782 HAEIN KIM A Study on the Story of Gamification to Prevent Equalization of Personal Satisfaction and Self-esteem
# 783 Fang Ziyu Comparison of Various CNN Models in Railway Accident Prevention System
    Session ST-P2
# 507 Zhou Jia Ni Realization of Realistic Wave Effect in Houdini Based on Bird's-eye View
# 521 QI ZHANG The Proposal of Pipeline for Photorealistic 3D Object Modeling
# 524 KEJING WEN Analysis of Chinese Public Service Advertisements Based on Narratology
# 531 Ting Wu National Narrative of Chinese Animation: Monkey King vs. Little Door Gods
# 561 PAN YANG A Study on the Development of One IP(intellectual property) Animation & Game in Chinese Market
# 566 YAN JI HUI Analysis On The Development Direction Of Chinese Animation In The Animation Market Under The New Animation Industry Chain
    Session ST-P3
# 593 Donghwa Lee Location Estimation Algorithm of Docent Robot in Art Gallery Using Object Detection
# 604 Jaeson Pyeon Introduction to Coding Education Using an Interactive ALTINO Robot
# 617 Woosuk Shin Sunlight Radiation Analysis in Urban Scenario using Layered Accumulative Shadow Map
# 774 Rolly Intan Initiating Global Service Learning Movement: A Best Practice of Petra Christian University
# 781 KiRi Kim Analysis of Success Factors of Korean Web Entertainments and Development Direction.
# 932 Wenhui Luo Research on the Problems and Measures of the Construction of "Double-Qualified"Faculty in Independent Colleges
    Session ST-P4
# 452 Dong-Hyun Lee CNN-based single object tracking framework for autonomous target tracking systems
# 607 DoHyeun Kim A Virtualization Approach for Accessing IoT Resources and Appliances Control in Smart Home
# 711 hyemin Yun Voice recognition research and trend analysis
# 756 Jinxi Li Pedestrian Detection using Spatial Haar-like Features
# 773 YeNa Lee Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Speech Recognition Technology
# 886 Mohammed Abdulhakim AI-Absi Labs and Classes: An IoT Design and Implementation
# 887 Rui FU General study of Secure E-commerce Logistics Distribution
# 888 Azamjon Abdullaeva Survey on Digital Signature algorithms
# 889 Azamjon Abdullaeva General study of Digital Signature Schemes
# 890 Minseok Oh IoT-based Space Security Solution
    Session ST-P5
# 519 Shunping He A Study of Korea Urban Regeneration from the Perspective of Feminist Geography
# 525 Hao Shen Analysis of the functionality and aesthetic value based on the design of color in animation
# 528 Shuiqiang Dong Cinematic Space and Mise-En-Scène Focusing on Hitchcock’s Movies
    Session ST1
# 496 Xiaoshuang Zhang Color characteristics of Mexican afterlife expressed in animated film
# 548 Zhang Chunliang Analysis of Anthropology Based on Ethnic Culture - Case Study of
# 551 Xiao Lin Analyzing the Motion Graphics Animation in the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
# 572 DongWooLee Utilization Plan of 3D Digital Actor as Digital Interface
    Session ST2
# 1018 Pham Minh Trung Locating Algorithm for the Indoor Robot based on Li-Fi Using the Multi-Beam
# 518 WATCHIRA BURANASING Temporal Expressions Extraction and Normalization for Cultural Heritage Archive Using Word Vector Representation
# 601 SEONI JOO Considerations on Digital Autobiography of the Elderly in the Digital Age
# 602 DONG SIYUAN Creative expression of moving images using the interaction between emotion and hue - A case of the moving image work.
    Session ST3
# 606 DoHyeun Kim A Deep Neural Network based Environment Emulator in Individual Indoor Environment
# 608 Eun Mi Park Hand Gesture Recognition Assisted by Human Pose Information
# 618 Komang Devi Tripika Dewi Information Technology Governance Audit Using COBIT 5 Framework in the Disaster Management Office
# 779 Duangnapa Sukhahuta The Effect of CEO Entrenchment on the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Firm Performance
    Session ST4
# 559 KIM JAEKYU The Transmedia storytelling strategy and structures of heroes in Marvel Avengers films
# 584 UNHA KIM Zhang Yiqing’s Rosewood with Noble Character君紫檀 : From Zhouzhou to Gu Yongqi
# 597 Jae-Ho Pyeon Case Study of Adapting AutoCAD, BIM and VR Software Used in AEC Industry
# 603 NAMITHA KUNNEKKATTU CHERIYAN Critical Success Factors for E-learning: An Indian Perspective
# 885 Deepanjali Mishra Disseminating Text through Cultural Technology: An Analysis With Reference To Indian Epics
    Session ST5
# 482 Qiao Xie Evaluation of Framework System for Making Safety Training VR Simulation
# 511 GENG HEQI Aesthetic Effect Expressed by the Theory of Truth and Fiction in CUC Technique: Focusing on Animation Movie
# 529 ZHIBO DING Analysis on the Chinese Market of Children’s VR books
# 775 Zheng Zheng Wang Application of Virtual Simulation Technology on the Practical Teaching Platform for Furniture Design
    Session ST6
# 534 Eeljin Chae Development of Virtual Reality Training System for steel mill Facility
# 554 HyoKyung Choi What do pictures say? Secrets and Lies through Image Manipulation
# 556 Yunran Jyu Future User Behavior Prediction in the Case of Network Crash under Mobile Internet Environment
# 727 Clarissa AL. Lee Imagining the Future of Foods Through Speculative Design
# 848 Rattasit Sukhahuta Understanding Thai Sentence Structure Using the X-Bar Theory of Phrase Structure
    Session ST7
# 533 Elena Tsomko Smartphone Addiction Among University Students: Problems and Possible Solutions
# 573 Jae H. Chae Design Thinking: Cross-Disciplinary Disintegration Paradox
# 586 Hekyung Kim What do students expect from us?
# 598 Iven Jose A Transformative Next-Generation Student Connect and Pedagogy: A Holistic Change Driven Environment. “Engineering-Service Assisted Integrated Learning [E-SAIL]”

Submission No Corresponding Author Paper Title (by Paper Submission Number)
# 439 Mohd Rosli Bin Arshad A correlation study of appealing characters in Malaysian Animated Film: Perception from Malaysian viewers
# 452 Dong-Hyun Lee CNN-based single object tracking framework for autonomous target tracking systems
# 460 jiajia Dong Research on Ethnic Style of Animation Performance Based on Drama Performance
# 461 Daniel F. Madrinan-Chiquito Industrial Design as an Essential Component for Assistive Technology Development and Business Success.
# 463 Babak Ranjgar Emotion Extraction from paintings based on Luscher Color test and Culture Technology (CT)
# 465 Suwen Ma Trust and creation, two key words of empathic design tool for the Chinese
# 466 Weilun Huang Gamification engages children in UX research
# 472 Keith Williams Maximizing Designer Effectiveness in a Convergent World
# 474 GyuHyeok Choi Characteristic Components of Meta Rule in Battle Royale Games
# 478 NakHyeon Ku How to improve the sensation of distance when interacting with objects in VR game
# 479 DING XIUHUI Usability Evaluation of Locomotion Technology for Expansion of Space in Virtual Reality Game
# 482 Qiao Xie Evaluation of Framework System for Making Safety Training VR Simulation
# 496 Xiaoshuang Zhang Color characteristics of Mexican afterlife expressed in animated film
# 506 Kwang-Ho Baek Match move workflow for live-action production using game engine
# 507 Zhou Jia Ni Realization of Realistic Wave Effect in Houdini Based on Bird's-eye View
# 511 GENG HEQI Aesthetic Effect Expressed by the Theory of Truth and Fiction in CUC Technique: Focusing on Animation Movie
# 518 WATCHIRA BURANASING Temporal Expressions Extraction and Normalization for Cultural Heritage Archive Using Word Vector Representation
# 519 Shunping He A Study of Korea Urban Regeneration from the Perspective of Feminist Geography
# 521 QI ZHANG The Proposal of Pipeline for Photorealistic 3D Object Modeling
# 524 KEJING WEN Analysis of Chinese Public Service Advertisements Based on Narratology
# 525 Hao Shen Analysis of the functionality and aesthetic value based on the design of color in animation
# 527 Zhang Shu Analysis of the narrative elements in the film —disscuss violent films of South Korea and China
# 528 Shuiqiang Dong Cinematic Space and Mise-En-Scène Focusing on Hitchcock’s Movies
# 529 ZHIBO DING Analysis on the Chinese Market of Children’s VR books
# 531 Ting Wu National Narrative of Chinese Animation: Monkey King vs. Little Door Gods
# 532 Cindy Muljosumarto Local content in 48 Group Branding Strategy: Focused on JKT48 as a Case Study
# 533 Elena Tsomko Smartphone Addiction Among University Students: Problems and Possible Solutions
# 534 Eeljin Chae Development of Virtual Reality Training System for steel mill Facility
# 536 Yijun Cao Aesthetics of Film Images in Oil Painting Animation-Focus on Loving Vincent
# 537 Zongbin Yao Mass Cultural Implications of the Affluent Class Characters Recreated in Chinese Dramas
# 548 Zhang Chunliang Analysis of Anthropology Based on Ethnic Culture - Case Study of
# 550 THATIANY ANDRADE NUNES Animated Documentary as a means of vocalization: a case study on the portrayal of the victims' experience in
# 551 Xiao Lin Analyzing the Motion Graphics Animation in the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
# 552 Dong Han Gathering creativity from different specializations in an educational institution: A proposal to design school
# 553 Intiraporn Mulasastra Determinants of Data Quality in an Electric Utility: A Delphi Study
# 554 HyoKyung Choi What do pictures say? Secrets and Lies through Image Manipulation
# 556 Yunran Jyu Future User Behavior Prediction in the Case of Network Crash under Mobile Internet Environment
# 557 Gu Jie A Study on Storytelling Directing Method Using Motion Clip of Digital Actor
# 558 Hou ZhengDong Analysis of Influence Factors on VR Animation Viewing Behavior of Chinese Viewers
# 559 KIM JAEKYU The Transmedia storytelling strategy and structures of heroes in Marvel Avengers films
# 561 PAN YANG A Study on the Development of One IP(intellectual property) Animation & Game in Chinese Market
# 562 Young Jick Jang A UI Text Layout in VR Simulation based on Field of View
# 566 YAN JI HUI Analysis On The Development Direction Of Chinese Animation In The Animation Market Under The New Animation Industry Chain
# 568 Maryam Shakeri Cultural heritage guide system: a combination of augmented reality, deep learning and culture technology
# 569 Xiao Ma Artificial Intelligence as Designers: Assistants or Substitutes?
# 572 DongWooLee Utilization Plan of 3D Digital Actor as Digital Interface
# 573 Jae H. Chae Design Thinking: Cross-Disciplinary Disintegration Paradox
# 574 Min Min New design innovation and technology are creating new problems in our community.
# 584 UNHA KIM Zhang Yiqing’s Rosewood with Noble Character君紫檀 : From Zhouzhou to Gu Yongqi
# 586 Hekyung Kim What do students expect from us?
# 587 Yoon Jiyoung The Characteristics and Changes of Modern Korean House Design Since 1960’s
# 591 Junho Seo An UWB-based Indoor Positioning System Model and Applications
# 593 Donghwa Lee Location Estimation Algorithm of Docent Robot in Art Gallery Using Object Detection
# 597 Jae-Ho Pyeon Case Study of Adapting AutoCAD, BIM and VR Software Used in AEC Industry
# 598 Iven Jose A Transformative Next-Generation Student Connect and Pedagogy: A Holistic Change Driven Environment. “Engineering-Service Assisted Integrated Learning [E-SAIL]”
# 601 SEONI JOO Considerations on Digital Autobiography of the Elderly in the Digital Age
# 602 DONG SIYUAN Creative expression of moving images using the interaction between emotion and hue - A case of the moving image work.
# 603 NAMITHA KUNNEKKATTU CHERIYAN Critical Success Factors for E-learning: An Indian Perspective
# 604 Jaeson Pyeon Introduction to Coding Education Using an Interactive ALTINO Robot
# 606 DoHyeun Kim A Deep Neural Network based Environment Emulator in Individual Indoor Environment
# 607 DoHyeun Kim A Virtualization Approach for Accessing IoT Resources and Appliances Control in Smart Home
# 608 Eun Mi Park Hand Gesture Recognition Assisted by Human Pose Information
# 617 Woosuk Shin Sunlight Radiation Analysis in Urban Scenario using Layered Accumulative Shadow Map
# 618 Komang Devi Tripika Dewi Information Technology Governance Audit Using COBIT 5 Framework in the Disaster Management Office
# 619 I Made Adi Sedana Segehan Identification system for Android Using HSV and Invariant Moment
# 621 Hongbo Zhao The possibility of the content expression of the film with minimalism: Taking“WORK”as an example
# 708 Hae Yoon Kim Characteristics of Korean Webtoon and Its Expandability
# 711 hyemin Yun Voice recognition research and trend analysis
# 727 Clarissa AL. Lee Imagining the Future of Foods Through Speculative Design
# 756 Jinxi Li Pedestrian Detection using Spatial Haar-like Features
# 773 YeNa Lee Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Speech Recognition Technology
# 774 Rolly Intan Initiating Global Service Learning Movement: A Best Practice of Petra Christian University
# 775 Zheng Zheng Wang Application of Virtual Simulation Technology on the Practical Teaching Platform for Furniture Design
# 779 Duangnapa Sukhahuta The Effect of CEO Entrenchment on the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Firm Performance
# 781 KiRi Kim Analysis of Success Factors of Korean Web Entertainments and Development Direction.
# 782 HAEIN KIM A Study on the Story of Gamification to Prevent Equalization of Personal Satisfaction and Self-esteem
# 783 Fang Ziyu Comparison of Various CNN Models in Railway Accident Prevention System
# 848 Rattasit Sukhahuta Understanding Thai Sentence Structure Using the X-Bar Theory of Phrase Structure
# 885 Deepanjali Mishra Disseminating Text through Cultural Technology: An Analysis With Reference To Indian Epics
# 886 Mohammed Abdulhakim AI-Absi Labs and Classes: An IoT Design and Implementation
# 887 Rui FU General study of Secure E-commerce Logistics Distribution
# 888 Azamjon Abdullaeva Survey on Digital Signature algorithms
# 889 Azamjon Abdullaeva General study of Digital Signature Schemes
# 890 Minseok Oh IoT-based Space Security Solution
# 932 Wenhui Luo Research on the Problems and Measures of the Construction of "Double-Qualified"Faculty in Independent Colleges
# 1018 Pham Minh Trung Locating Algorithm for the Indoor Robot based on Li-Fi Using the Multi-Beam


Guide Line for Authors/Chairs

Submission Policy

ICCT is a refereed conference and all submitters must accept the following agreement:

Making a submission to ICCT is a serious matter and we expect anyone submitting to ICCT to confirm the following:

  1. I confirm that this submission is the work of myself and my co-authors.
  2. I confirm that any research reported in this submission involving human subjects has gone through the appropriate approval process at my institution.
  3. I confirm that I have read the conference policies for publication and agree to abide by them.
  4. I confirm that I will treat the intellectual property and contributions of my fellow contributors and the reviewers of my work with respect.

Reviewing Policy

This section gives policy guidelines for the evaluation of material for ICCT Proceeding publication. The audience is both program chairs and potential authors.

  1. Submitted papers shall be reviewed by three qualified, independent reviewers who are asked to assess the relavance, originality, correctness and quality, validity of conclusion, and clarity of writing of the paper; and who are asked to provide a written review report that shall be provided to the author.
  2. In cases where reviewer comments suggest that a paper may be acceptable only with revisions, the author(s) shall have an opportunity to submit a revised paper. Minor revisions may be reviewed by the program committee or designee.

Reviewing Process

This section gives general reviewing process.

  1. All submissions should be made through the official "paper submisssion" menu of ICCT website and submitters must be a member of IACST(http://iacst.org). For an efficient and just review, submission by mail is not allowed. Including paper submission and review status verification, each submission and review process can be checked on the official ICCT website.
  2. Normal review usually takes one month and paper review result will be mailed when all three reviewers finish the review process. Also, the detail review results of the three reviews will be shown on ICCT website.
  3. At least one registration is required for each accepted paper and it can be done on the ICCT website.
  4. After the paper is published, the conference proceeding book will be posted on ICCT website.

Guideline for Authors


Oral Sessions

1. Duration of the Presentation
The allotted time for each speaker is 12 minutes to present and 6 minutes for Q&A.

2. Equipment in Presentation Room
Each presentation room will have a projector, a screen and a laptop computer running PowerPoint under MS Windows, equipped with USB port.

3. Preparation for Your Presentation Session
Bring a USB memory with your PowerPoint presentation and make sure that your file is copied on the laptop computer before your session starts. Please show up 15 minutes before the actual session starts and introduce yourself to the session chair. Be prepared to give some bibliographic details about yourself to the chairperson so that he/she can introduce you before your presentation.

Poster Sessions

1. Duration of the Presentation
The poster session has 60 minutes, requiring all presenters to be available at their posters during the session.

2. Poster Specification
Posters must be designed to fit a 841mm wide x 1189mm tall board. Posters may be prepared as a single poster or as several smaller sections mounted together. The heading of the poster should list the paper title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation(s).

3. Poster Set-Up
Posters may be attached to the boards by push pins or tapes, which will be provided. Posters must be set up by presenters 10 minutes before the session starts. Posters must be removed by presenters right after the session is over. Posters not removed by 10 minutes after the session will be removed by volunteers (session organizers not responsible for posters left after this deadline).


Guideline for Chairs


Before Your Session

1. Check the Program
Prior to departure for the meeting, check the program on our website (http://icct.iacst.org/index.php) to find the time slot for the session that you are chairing.

2. Pick Up the Materials for Session Chair from Registration Desk
Please arrive at the registration desk about 20minutes prior to the start of the session and pick up the material prepared for a session chair.

3. Check the Meeting Room
Please arrive at the session room about 10 minutes prior to the start of the session and familiarize yourself with the controls for lights, microphones, a pointer, and a projector. If you encounter problems, immediately alert the session staff who is serving your session in the session room. Meanwhile, you have to check the presence of individual speaker in your session.

During Your Session

1. Introduction
At the start of the session, briefly introduce yourself and explain the timing system to the audience, and as often during the session as you think necessary.

2. Time Allotment
The allotted time for each speaker is 15 minutes to present and 5 minutes for Q&A. . If possible, you may give a brief introduction of the speaker to the audience, including his or her affiliation and position, at the beginning of each presentation.

3. Absent Speakers
Should a speaker fail to appear, you may recess the session until it is time for the next scheduled abstract. If you are notified of the absence of any speaker before the session starts, please announce it to the audience. You have to report the absence of any speaker to the secretariat for conference administration at the registration desk.



*** At least one author of each accepted paper MUST register and present paper at the conference in order for the paper to be included in the program. Additional authors also have to register to join the conference sessions and banquet. ***

Registration Fee

Regular 1st Paper Registration : US$ 500
Regular 1st Paper Early Registration : US$ 450 (by October 25, 2018)
Regular 2nd Paper or Additional Author Registration : US$ 300
Regular 1st/2nd Paper Registration from Developing Countries : US$ 400
ACM / ACM SIGAPP Member Registration : US$ 400
Student Paper Registration : US$ 450
Participation w/o Paper Submission : US$ 300

Registration by Bank Transfer

Please refer to the following account for bank transfer:

Swift Bic : KOEXKRSE
Account # : 271-890008-57838
Account Name : IACST(International Association for Convergence Science & Technology)
Bank Address : 16, Baegyang-daero 324bon-gil, Sasang-gu, Busan SINJURYE SUB-BRANCH

For those who want to send Korean-Won(₩), instead of US dollars for bank-transfer, please use the following account :

Bank Name : HANA BANK
Account # : 271-890005-94904
Account Name : IACST(International Association for Convergence Science & Technology)

Registration by PAYPAL

Registration Type

한국내에서의 신용카드 결제

한국에서 신용카드로 등록비를 결제하실 경우 이 곳을 선택하시면 결제 창으로 이동합니다. 등록비 영수증이 미리 필요하신분은 icct@iacst.org로 연락 주시기 바랍니다.

Venue, Accommodation & Travel Information

Conference Venue

Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology
Yuanpei College of Shaoxing University
Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages
The Mirrorlake Hotel

Address: Kehua Rd, Keqiao Qu, Shaoxing Shi, Zhejiang Sheng, China, 312030
浙江省绍兴市柯桥区柯华路 958号, 浙江工业大学之江学院 行健樓 (Floor 1) Tel:+86-575-81112632





1. Shuttle Bus Service between Hangzhou Airport and the Mirrorlake Hotel

☑ From Hangzhou Airport to the Mirrorlake Hotel:
    - Please find "ICCT2018" direction board at the waiting room of Hangzhou Airport.

    ⛟ First Bus - 2018. 11. 15(Thursday) 11:00
    ⛟ Second Bus - 2018. 11. 15(Thursday) 15:00

☑ From the Mirrorlake Hotel to Hangzhou Airport:
    - Please find "ICCT2018" direction board at the lobby of the Mirrorlake Hotel.

    ⛟ First Bus - 2018. 11. 18(Sunday) 11:00

2. Shuttle Bus Service between Shaoxing North (Train) Station and the Mirrorlake Hotel

☑ From Shaoxing North (Train) Station to the Mirrorlake Hotel:
    - Please find "ICCT2018" direction board at the waiting area of Shaoxing North (Train) Station.

    ⛟ First Bus - 2018. 11. 15(Thursday) 11:00

☑ From the Mirrorlake Hotel to Shaoxing North (Train) Station:
    - Please find "ICCT2018" direction board at the lobby of the Mirrorlake Hotel.

    ⛟ First Bus - 2018. 11. 18(Sunday) 11:00

3. For those who use Airports(Hongqiao, Pudong) in Shanghai

For those who arrive at Shanghai Pudong Airport, they should go to Hongqiao Train Station to take the express trains and it usually takes one hour twenty minutes by car.
Hongqiao train station is located just near Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. There are many express trains running everyday between Hongqiao Train Station and Shaoxing North Station.
It usually takes one hour thirty minutes by express trains from Hongqiao Station to Shaoxing North Station.



For accommodation, we recommend the five-star rated the Mirrorlake Hotel(http://www.mirrorlakehotel.com, Keyan scenic spot, ShaoXing, China).
To secure your accommodation in the Mirrorlake Hotel of Shaoxing, please save your travel request in the form as shown below.
You can reserve your room and get discount by this reservation request. You're supposed to pay the hotel fee directly at the Mirrorlake hotel on your check-in date.

Search My Hotel Reservation :

Hotel Reservation

(reservation request is valid until October 20)
Guest 1

Guest 2
(if any)



Bed Type
(390 Chinese yuan/room, final price)
Check_In ~ Check_Out ~
Contact(Phone #)

*** Hotel reservation through this page(IACST) is valid only until October 20
In case you want to cancel/change your reservation,
you must inform(mail) to IACST office at icct@iacst.org before October 20.
Cancellation after October 20 is strictly not allowed.


(1) ICCT2018 Proceeding
(2) Awarding List of ICCT2018 & ISCC2018

*** Final Information to Participants : Click here to download. ***

*** ICCT2018 Paper Template : Click here to download. ***
*** ICCT2018 Copyright Form: Click here to download. ***

*** ICCT2018 Call for Session: Click here to download. ***
*** ICCT2018 Session Information: Click here to download. ***