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ICCT2019 Proceeding

ICCT 2019 Video

Aim & Scope

Convergence for Creativity

  ICCT is the first and comprehensive international conference on the various aspects of culture technology and its applications. International Conference on Culture Technology 2019 will provide a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of cultural technology. The goal of this conference is to bring together the researchers from academic and industry to share ideas, works, problems and solutions related to the multifaced aspects of culture technology. Authors are invited to submit original papers and works in all areas related to culture technologies and their applications. Topics include, but not limited to, the following areas:

1. Digital Contents

(a) VR & AR: Augmented reality, Virtual reality, Mixed reality, Multiple realistic space implementation, industry adaptive VR
(b) Game: Massive on-line game based on virtual world, Game for welfare promotion, Immersing cinematic reality game, Game utilization in culture
(c) Convergence Contents: Senseware, Smart contents, Edu-Contents
(d) Media: Animation CG, Digital cinema

2. Foundation / Source

(a) Contents Design: Storytelling, Contents producton pipeline
(b) Graphics: Physical engine, Rendering, 3D stereoscopic, Motion graphics, Hologram
(c) UX-based Interface: User experience, Action recognition
(d) Social Media: Social media analysis and utilization
(e) Data Management: Data retrieval for culture contents, Data collection and analysis for culture contents, DB modeling for culture contents, DBMS for culture contents
(f) Sound & Music: Sound technology and music technology

3. Performance / Exihibition

(a) Performance Technology: Technology of cutting edge of performance, Massive performance technology,
(b) Exihibition Technology: Advanced implementation technology, Digital exihibition technology
(c) Crafts Technology: Traditional material modernization, production technology modernization
(d) Traditional Music Technology: Modernization of traditional music, Advancement of traditional musical instruments, Populizing traditional music

4. Culture Service

(a) Cultural Heritage Technology: Culture enjoyment support technology, Restoration technology of original form
(b) Tourism Service Technology: Evaluation medel of tourism resources, Characterization technology of tourrism factor, Awareness raising of tourism R&D, Construction of tourism R&D support system
(c) Sports Service Technology: U-sports care service, Sports service marketing, Sports service information, Sports image/video analysis, virtual sports
(d) Library Technology: Journal publishing technology, Repositary technology
(e) Museum Technology: All museum technologies including exhibition and preservation technology
(f) Copyright Technology: Copyright protection & usage technology, Detection technology of copyright infringement, Management of copyright-works distribution

5. Advanced Technology

(a) Machine Intelligence: Intelligent technology applied to culture technology, New AI technology
(b) IOT & Big Data: IOT & Big-data technology applied in culture technology, New IOT & Big Data technology

6. Humanity / Social Science

(a) Culture & Technology in Humanity: Culture and technology related with humanity study
(b) Culture & Technology in Social Science: Culture and technology related with social science study

7. Art / Design

(a) Culture & Technology in Art: Culture and technology related with art
(b) Culture & Technology in Design: Culture and technology related with design

8. Convergence Technologies

All convergence technologies not limited to a specific field

9. Special Session

Papers & Submission

All papers will be fully refereed and undergo a blind review process by at least three referees of the international program committee. All accepted papers will be published in International Conference on Culture Technology 2019 Proceedings. Distinguished papers presented in the conference will be further revised and published in special issues of prestigious international journals(SCIE, SCOPUS, IJCT)
The paper must be written in English and follow the ICCT paper template provided below. The paper length is limited to no more than 6 pages. Papers must be submitted only in MS-WORD(Doc) format. All paper submissions will be handled electronically via online submission system at the conference webpage

*** Paper Template Download: Click here to download. ***
*** Copyright Form: Click here to download. ***

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission:   July 10, 2019
Acceptance Notification:   July 15, 2019
Camera-Ready Paper Submission: July 22, 2019
Early Registration: July 25, 2019

Conference Venue

Siam Bayshore Resort, Pattaya, Thailand

Contact Information

If you have any question for the conference, please contact Program Chair at dongkyun@knu.ac.kr.


Hosted by

International Association for Convergence Science & Technology (http://iacst.org),
National Electronocs and Computer Technology Center, Thailand
Kasetsart University, Thailand
BK21 Plus Consortium for the Culture Contents Expert, Dongseo University, Korea

In Cooperation with

Design Intelligence Award (http://www.di-award.org)

Sponsored by

Oriental Consultants Global, Japan
Autodesk, USA
Pinetree Asosociates, Korea
CHM Corporation, Korea
Paratus Investment, Korea





Steering Committee

Professor, Dongkyun Kim
KyungPook National University, IACST

Professor, Pyeoungkee Kim
Silla University, IACST

Professor, Rattasit Sukhahuta
Chiang Mai University, Thailand

Professor, TaeSoo Yun
Dongseo University, South Korea

Principal Researcher, Thepchai Supnithi
NECTEC, Thailand

Professor, EunYi Kim
Konkook University, South Korea

Professor, Guydeuk Yeon
Christ University, India

Professor, Intiraporn Mulasastra
Kasetsart University, Thailand

Professor, Rolly Intan
Petra Christian University, Indonesia

CEO, SangHyo Lee
Namu Edutech, IACST

Professor, SeHyun Park
Daegu University, South Korea

Professor, YongUk Lee
Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan

Chief, Adam CHee
Smart Health Leadership Centre, National University of Singapore, Singapore

President, Bill Chen
Zhejiang Creative Textile Industry Research Institute, China

Rector, Dam Quang Minh
Western University, Vietnam

Professor, Donghwa Lee
Daegu University, South Korea

Professor, Elena Tsomko
Dongseo University, Russian Federation

Professor, Fei Hao
Shanxi Normal University, China

Professor, Hisaki Nate
Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan

Professor, Hyeyoung Ko
Seoul Women's University, South Korea

Professor, Hyunjin Chun
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Professor, I Putu Agung Bayupati
Udayana University, Indonesia

Professor, Jaeho Pyeon
San Jose State University, USA

Professor, Jiman Hong
Soongsil University, South Korea

Professor, Kiesu Kim
Silla University, South Korea

Professor, KyungSoo Kwon
Dongseo University, IACST

Professor, Lee Yun Li
Sunway University, Malaysia

Professor, Mustafa Eren Yildirim
American University of Malta, Turkey

Professor, Ngoc Le
Swinburne University of Technology, Vietnam

Professor, Seungpok Choi
Silla University, South Korea

Professor, Sian Lun Lau
Sunway University, Malaysia

Professor, Sungpil Lee
Dongseo University, South Korea

Professor, Tae-Young Byun
Daegu Catholic University, South Korea

Professor, Ted Shin
Denver Metropolitan University, USA

Professor, Xia Yingchong
Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology, China

Professor, Yulia M. Kom
Petra Christian University, Indonesia

Professor, Soonki Jung
Kyungpook National University, South Korea

Professor, Weeraphan Chanhom
Chiang Mai University, Thailand

Organizing Committee

Honorable Chairs

Dr. Chai Wutiwiwatchai
Chairman of NECTEC, Thailand
Dr. Puchong Uthayopas
Vice President of Kasetsart University, Thailand
Dr. Pyeoungkee Kim
President of IACST

Organizing Chairs

Dr. TaeSoo Yun
Dongseo University, Korea
Dr. Thepchai Supnithi
NECTEC, Thailand
Prof. Intiraporn Mulasastra
Kasetsart University, Thailand

Registration Chairs

Dr. SeHyun Park
Daegu University, Korea
Dr. DongHwa Lee
Daegu University, Korea

Local Arrangement Chairs

Dr. Thanawin Rakthammanon
Kasetsart University, Thailand
Dr. Watchira Buransing
NECTEC, Thailand

Publicity Chairs

Dr. EunYi Kim
Konkuk University, Korea

Publication Chair

Prof. KyungSu Kwon
Dongseo University, Korea
Ms. Junghye Kim

Technical Program Committee

TPC Chairs

Dr. Dongkyun Kim
Kyungpook National University, Korea
Ajarn. Somchoke Ruengittinum
Kasetsart University, Thailand
Dr. Rattasit Sukhahuta
Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Dr. Sungpil Lee
Dongseo University, Korea
Dr. Hyeyoung Ko
Seoul Women's University, Korea

International Advisory Committee

Dr. Kazuo Sugiyama
Oriental Consultant, Japan
Dr. Kwangyun Wohn
NST, Korea
Dr. Chonggi Kim
Shanghai University of Science & Technology, China
Dr. Tongjin Kim
Purdue University, USA

Exhibition Committee

Design Program Chairs

Prof. Kiesu Kim
Silla University, Korea
Prof. Seungpok Choi
Silla University, Korea
Prof. Xia Yingchong
ZJC, China

Keynote Speech

Invited Speech

Speech Title: Culture Technology = f(A,T,D,D) (Presentation Slide)

Dr. Kwangyun Wohn
Chair, National Research Council of Science & Technology, South Korea

Dr. Kwangyun WohnKwangyun Wohn is Chairperson of National Research Council of Science and Technology (NST in short). NST is the governing organization that oversees the 25 major national research institutes, including KIST, ETRI, and KAERI. Before he accepted the Chairship of NST, he has been at KAIST as professor for 27 years. He started his professional career at Agency of Defense Development in Korea. Having completed the master’s and Ph.D. studies at University of Wisconsin and University of Maryland, respectively, he had been with Harvard University (USA) as Lecturer, and with University of Pennsylvania (USA) as Assistant Professor. Having returned back to his home country, Korea, he had been with Computer Science Department for fifteen years, and founded a new graduate school, Graduate School of Culture Technology (GSCT) in 2005, and served as Dean. Having retired from KIAST, he still holds the Professor Emeritus of KAIST. Major activities and accomplishments include: Director of Virtual Reality Research Center which is a national center of research excellence, Founding President of Korean Society of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Founding President of Korean Society of Performing Art, and Editorial Board of British Computer Society. While his research interests span a broad range of the intersection between art and science – from theoretical aspects to practicalities – he focuses his research efforts to the application of virtual reality technology to various cultural artifacts such as stage performances, museum exhibitions and educationa contents




Invited Speech

Speech Title: Thailand Digital Culture

Dr. Chai Wutiwiwatchai Chairman
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Thailand

Dr. ChaiChai Wutiwiwatchai received his B.Eng. (1st honor) and M.Eng. degrees of electrical engineering from Thammasat and Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in 1994 and 1997 respectively. He received Ph.D. from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2004 under the Japanese Governmental scholarship. He is now the Executive Director of National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) Thailand. His research interests include speech and language processing, human-machine interaction, and recently massive open online courses. His research work includes several international collaborative projects in a wide area of speech and language processing such as multi-lingual speech-to-speech translation under Asian and European countries collaboration. He has been a project technical leader of the NSTDA massive open online courses systems supported by the Office of Basic Education Commission and Office of Higher Education Commission. He has been selected one of 66 young leaders shaping Thailand’s future by Bangkok Post in 2013 and has got a runner-up Outstanding Technologist award in 2015.







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ICCT2019 Proceeding

August 13(Tuesday), Day for Friendship
Place: Siam Bayshore Resort, Pattaya, Thailand

Time Program

Exhibition Setup by CADI / ISCC 2019 Committee

@ Siam Bayshore Resort

Experiencing Local Culture

@ Pattaya Area

Welcome Reception

( IACST directors and Vips are welcome to join )
Bali Hai by the Sea @ Siam Bayshore Resort

August 14(Wednesday), Day for Excellence
Place: Siam Bayshore Resort, Pattaya, Thailand

Time Program


ParkView 1 @ Conference Room of Siam Bayshore Resort

ICCT2019 Opening Ceremony

.Opening Address (President, IACST)
.Congratulatory Message (Vice-President, Kasetsart University)

ParkView 1 @ Siam Bayshore Resort

Keynote Speech 1

Dr. Kwangyun Wohn

ParkView 1 @ Siam Bayshore Resort
11:20~11:30 Tea Break

Keynote Speech 2

Dr. Chai Wutiwiwatchai

ParkView 1 @ Siam Bayshore Resort

Lunch Time

Cafeteria @ Siam Bayshore

Oral Paper Presentation (OW)

( Session OW1~OW4 )

Session Rooms 1~4 @ Siam Bayshore Resort

IACST General Meeting

(IACST Regular Members)

ParkView 2@ Siam Bayshore Resort

August 15(Thursday), Day for Creativity & Convergence
Place: Siam Bayshore Resort, Pattaya, Thailand

Time Program

Settting Up for Poster Paper Presentation

ParkView 2 @ Exibition Area, Siam Bayshore Resort

Poster Paper Presentation (PT)

ParkView 2 @ Exhibition Area, Siam Bayshore Resort

CADI / ISCC 2019 Tape Cutting & Viewing

.Tape cutting & Viewing (together) .Meeting with the Creators (together)

ParkPlace @ Siam Bayshore Resort

Lunch Time

Dunrise Sunset Rest.@ Siam Bayshore Resort

Oral Paper Presentation (OT)

( Session OT1~OT4 )

Session Rooms 1~4 @ Siam Bayshore Resort

Special Session

International Creative Coding

- Computing Science and Future Education in Thailand, Dr. Thanawin Rakthanmanon, Kasetsart University, Thailand
- Kidbright: Coding at School in Thailand, Dr. Thepchai Supnithi, NECTEC, Thailand
- Coding Education in AI Era, Dr. Pyeoungkee Kim, Silla University, South Korea

ParkView 1 @ Siam Bayshore Resort

ICCT/CADI/ISCC 2019 Awarding Ceremony
Banquet & Performance

ParkView 1 @ Siam Bayshore Resort

August 16(Friday), Day for Culture Experience
Place: Pattaya Area, Thailand

Time Program

Industry - Academy Cooperation Meeting

Seminar Room @Siam Bayshore Resort

Evaluation (by the Organizing Committee)

Seminar Room @Siam Bayshore Resort


Session A – Digital Contents
14th, Aug. 14:00~16:00, Room#: Park View2, Session Chair: Unha Kim (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China)

#1130 “A Comparative Study on Ex Machina and A Doll’s House — Focusing on the extreme asymmetry in power relations,” Unha Kim (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China)

#1285 “Image Processing-Based Separation of Object and Background,” Dong-Gyun Hong, Mi-Heyon Cheon, and Donghwa Lee (Daegu University, Korea)
#1196 “Expanding Transmedia Storytelling into mutiverse A case study of ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’,” Jaekyu Kim and Eeljin Chae (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China)
#1242 “An Overview Study on 5G Millimeter Wave (mmWave) Beamforming,” Xiaoxiao Liu, Haoran Mei, Qiang Zhao and Limei Peng* (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
#1219 “Designing and Developing an Interactive Projection Mapping AR Book on Cultural Heritage of Myanmar,” Aye Chan Zay Hta and Yunli Lee (Sunway University, Malaysia)
#1158 “Persona Modeling based on UX Design for Behavior Pattern Analysis of AI NPC Character,” Young Jick Jang and Tae Soo Yun (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1248 “Investigation of the capabilities of convolutional neural networks in object classification problems for incoming video streams,” Kadura Elena (Far East Transport State University, Russia), Manzhula Ilya (Computer Center Far East Branch Russian Academy of Science, Russia)

Session B – Advanced Technology
14th, Aug. 14:00~16:00, Room#: Park Place, Session Chair: Guydeuk Yeon (Christ University, India)

#1047 “Fall Detection System for Elderly with Wi-Fi Accelerometer Sensor,” Intat LIKITPOLCHALOON, Soontharee KOOMPAIROJN and Somchoke RUENGITTINUN (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
#1084 Driver’s Smartphone Usage Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Network Using Multi-Camera,” Ziyi Zhang, Ye-won Kim, Tae-uk Kim and Bo-Yeong Kang (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
#1051 “Virtual Thai Xylophone,” Kanitin Krikriengsri, Piyungoon Poonpanang, Soontharee Koompairojn and Somchoke Ruengittinun (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
#1131 “Wearable computer Bright Shirt for Blind people,” Thanutporn Pisanupoch, Naiyana Sae-lim, Somchoke Ruengittinun and Soontharee Koompairojn (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
#1141 “Digital Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuron with Approximate Adders for Spiking Neural Networks,” Yongtae Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
#1217 “Apply LBPH algorithm to detect students in classroom,” Supaporn Bundasak and Chisanupong Tamprasit (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
#1237 “Calibration of 3D Sensors for Interactive AR Face Makeup System,” Eun Mi Park, Ki Yeol Baek, Lamyanba Laishram, Jae Seok Jang and Soon Ki Jung (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

Session C – Art and Design – I
14th, Aug. 14:00~16:00, Room#: Pine Groove, Session Chair: Chul Young Choi, (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1059 “Research on Sustainable Design Based on Analysis of Sustainable Packaging Cases,” Zhang Jifa (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1028 “Analysis o1f Design Preference Using 3D Technology -Focused on the Design of Highway Slope-,” Hyun Jin Chun (Southeast University, Nanjing, China and Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China); Bai Hao Li (Southeast University, Nanjing, China)
#1093 “Research on Theoretical Model of YouTube Subscription Behavior,” Hou ZhengDong, Choi. Chul Young, (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1099 “A Development of Children’s Arts Experience Program of China: Experience Design Approach,” WooLahm Yoon (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1152 “Research on the Relationship between Virtual Actors and Real Actors in the Short Animation Collection <Love, Death and Robots>,” MengZilu and ChoiChul-Young (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1054 “China’s Farmland Landscape Evolution Based on Farmland Transfer (1949-2009),” Zhongjian Zhao and Junlan Liang (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
#1278 “Real-Time Head Pose Estimation Using the Relationship of 4-Points on the Facial Feature,” Yebin Kim and Hyeyoung Ko (Seoul Women’s University, Korea)

Session D – Art and Design – II
14th, Aug. 14:00~16:00, Room#: Orchid, Session Chair: Wei Li (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
#1056 “Research on Geometric Modeling Optimization of Alien Architecture Based on 3D Printing,” Haowen Wang (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China); Jie Zhang (Nanjing University of the Arts, China)
#1074 “VR experiences and history through immersion: a case study on <Titanic VR, 2018>,” Thatiany Andrade Nunes and HyunSeok Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1107 “Criticism and Re-discussion on Humanized Design,” Qiaoming Cheng (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
#1151 “Analysis of Brittle Fracture Special Effects in SF Films by Period,” JiaNi Zhou and Tae Soo Yun (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1172 “The Characteristics of Regeneration design of the Region with Historical Industrial Heritages and Culture - Focused on Taoxichuan in Jingdezhen -,” JingYu Zhang and Jiyoung Yoon (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1269 “From Technology-driven Design Development to Industry 4.0 Changing Design Trends,” Wei Li (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China); Jie Zhang (Nanjing University of the Arts, China); Li Yueqian (University of Melbourne, Australia)
#1202 “A Study on Characteristics of the Non-permanent Exhibition Space’s Sign System,” Hanyi Lu (Dongseo University, Korea)

Session E – Digital Contents / Advanced Technology
15th, Aug. 14:00~16:00, Room#: Park View2, Session Chair: Hyunjin Chun (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
#1290 “Visualization for noise labeling using deep learning,” Yu-Lim Shin and Eun-Jung Choi (Seoul Women’s University, Korea)
#1276 “Mathematical modeling of the layered detachment technology of a 3d model during 3d products printing,” Alexander Kholodilov, Elena Karachanskaya, Elena Faleeva and Roman Eschenko (Far Eastern State Transport University, Russia)
#1297 “Next hop Selection via Machine Learning in a Cloud-based Vehicular Named Data Networks: An Architectural Perspective,” Lauren Ason and Syed Hassan Ahmed (Georgia Southern University, USA)
#1283 “UAV Path-planning in 3-Dimensional Space: A Brief Survey,” Yangru, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Junho Seo, Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, and Dongkyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
#1271 “Energy Trading from Solar Roof Top,” Ariya Phukfon and Suwannee Adsavakulchai (University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand)
#1218 “Downtime prediction for refrigeration in gas separation plants,” Supaporn Bundasak, Kawisara Ueafuea and Kanokrut Bumrungwat (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
#1302 “Human Activity Recognition System using R,” Ajay Agarwal (KIET Group of Institutions, India); Amit Kumar Gupta and Vikas Goel (AKGEC, Uttar Pradesh); Mangal Sain (Dongseo University, Korea)

Session F – Foundation / Art and Design
15th, Aug. 14:00~16:00, Room#: Park Place, Session Chair: HyunSeok Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)

#1186 “A study on the Design Management System of Rural Complex based on Synergetics,” Boyu Du and Kwanseon Hong (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1292 “Interpretation of Cultural Landscape for Development of TOD - Focused on Yaowarat Chinatown in Bangkok, Thailand –,” Hyun Jin Chun (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China and Chulalongkorn University, Thailand); Ariya Aruninta (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
#1200 “Emoticon Development Research on Product Users’ Emotion,” Chao Huang (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1175 “Toward Assessment for Language Learning: A Case Study in Thai Language Proficiency of Secondary and High School Learners,” Akkharawoot Takhom (National Electronics and Computer Technology, Thailand); Sasiporn Usanavasin (Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thailand); Thepchai Supnithi (National Electronics and Computer Technology, Thailand); Thanaruk Theeramunkong (Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thailand)
#1075 “Analyzing the Semiotics of Chinese Animated Short Films: A Case Study on <Love Seeds, 2016>,” Lin Xiao and HyunSeok Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1207 “An Ontology-based Study of Cultural Tourism Knowledge Management: A Case Study of Thai Wikipedia Articles.,” Kanchana Saengthongpattana, Kanyanut Kriengket, Pattama Krataithong and Thepchai Supnithi (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Thailand)

Session G - Culture Service
15th, Aug. 14:00~16:00, Room#: Pine Groove, Session Chair: I Putu Agung Bayupati (Udayana University, Indonesia)

#1147 “Mobile Data Collection and Analysis for Cultural Heritage Acquisition Supporting Community based Tourism,” Watchira Buranasing, Thepchai.supnithi, Pattaraporn.meeklai, Phattarapol Jantarasena and Petchwadee Pattarathananan (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand Science Park, Thailand)
#1221 “A Study on the Necessity of Standardization for SCRM,” Hyohyun Son, Kwangjun Kim and Manhee Lee (Hannam University, Korea)
#1169 “Recommendation system with limited time for visiting museum,” La-or Kovavisaruch, Taweesak Sanpechuda, Krisada Chinda, Thitipong Wongsatho, Sodsai Wisadsud and Anuwat Chaiwongyen (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand Science Park, Thailand)
#1094 “Recognition of Korean Vowels using Bayesian Classification,” Seong-Woo Kim, Kyung-Ae Cha and Se-Hyun Park* (Daegu University, Korea)
#1277 “Developing Fangipani Identification for Android,” Samuel Aprilius Efendi, I Putu Agung Bayupati and Ni Kadek Ayu Wirdiani (Udayana University, Indonesia)
#1220 “Analysis of ICCT Research Trend using the ARTAS,” Seungsoo Park and Manhee Lee (Hannam University, Korea)
Session H - Humanity / Social Science
15th, Aug. 14:00~16:00, Room#: Orchid, Session Chair: Myoung Suk Kim (Seoul Women’s University, Korea)
#1029 “Dimensions of Innovative Work Behavior: The Literature Survey,” Peevara Parnitvitidkun, Khwanruedee Ponchaitiwat, Nongnit Chancharat (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
#1148 “New Momentum of Cultural Creation: Feeling from the Experience in Taiwan,” Zhenkun Fan, Zisen Zheng and Qingtian Liu (Silla University, Korea)
#1197 “Study on the Improvement for Taejongdae’s Tourism Signage System,” Wang Jia (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1275 “Effectiveness of training devices application for development of muscle corset strength,” Anna Popova (Far Eastern State Transport University, Russia); Olga Snneider and Galina Skripnik (Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Russia)
#1300 “Community and the Social Participation Preserving the Lanna Traditional Palm Leaf Manuscripts,” Piyapat Jarusawat (Chiang Mai University, Thailand)
#1301 “Disseminating Digitalization of Collaborative teaching: a strategy of Using Multimedia in Classroom,” Deepanjali Mishra (KIT University Bhubaneswar, India); Mangal Sain Huang (Dongseo University, Korea)

Poster Session A – Digital Contents – I
15th, Aug. 09:30~11:00, Room#: ParkView 2, Session Chair: Yunli Lee (Sunway University, Malaysia)
#1045 “Design of Components for Adaptable Game Server,” Jintaek Seo (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1064 “A Study on the Design of the Taejongdae Tourist Information Mobile Application in Busan,” Luo Huanghuang (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1071 “A Study on the Motivation and Completion of K-MOOC Animation Course - The Characters of Convergence in Animated Films,” Hyeree Moon and HyunSeok Lee (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1088 “Research on Manufacturing Engineering of Timing for Adjusting Motion Capture Data,” Gu Jie and Choi. Chul-Young (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1100 “Analysis on Chinese people’s Preference of Emoticon Character “Kakao Friends” and “LINE Friends”,” Ding Zhi Bo and Seung-keun Song (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1110 “An Analysis of the Public Facilities of Dadaepo Beach,” Sun Yu jun and Lee Dong hun (Dongseo University, Korea)

Poster Session B – Digital Contents – II
15th, Aug. 09:30~11:00, Room#: ParkView 2, Session Chair: Rattasit Sukhahuta (Chiang Mai University, Thailand)
#1154 “A study of The "Anti-Hero" Narration----Base on Chinese Realistic Themes Films,” Zhang Shu and Won-Ho Choi (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1155 “Comparison of Volumetric Lighting Rendering Based on CPU and GPU,” Xueying Yang, Jiani Zhou, Yun Ji and Yae Soo Yun (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1163 “Comparison of Rendering Platform based on Hair Rendering,” Wen Ting Li, Yun Ji, Jia Ni Zhou and Tae Soo Yun (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1170 “Simulation Analysis of the Facial Effect of VRay _ SSS Material Using VRay _ SSS Material,” Li Shu-Hang and Choi Chul-Young (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1174 “A Study on the Universal Design in the Cultural Space - Center around the Busan Museum-,” Dan Wang and Jiyoung Yoon (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1226 “A Study on Depth Perception and Method for Maximizing Immersive 3D Animated Dialogue Scenes,” DongWoo Lee and HongSik Pak (Dongseo University, Korea)

Poster Session C – Advanced Technology
15th, Aug. 09:30~11:00, Room#: ParkView 2, Session Chair: Somchoke Ruengittinun (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
#1052 “A design an educational data mining framework for kindergarten free choice activities,” Kyung-Min Kim, Hyun-Sook Park and Jung-Min Kim (Pusan National University, Moon-hyun elementary school, Busan, South Korea)
#1199 “S4AI: Block-based AI Coding,” Chen Shaoshuai and Pyeoungkee Kim (Silla University, Korea)
#1216 “Secure Payment Mechanism Based on Blockchain for Fueling Vehicles in Smart City,” Faisal Jamil and DoHyeun Kim (Jeju National University, Korea)
#1227 “Design of Binary Visualization for Malware Classification,” Yoon-Kyung Nam and Eun-Jung Choi (Seoul Women’s University, Korea)
#1282 “Network Intrusion Detection using Machine Learning Techniques,” Jiyeon Kim, Yulim Ahn and Eunjung Choi (Seoul Women’s University, Korea)
#1284 “A Study on speech recognition based on stereo files using MFCC,” Ui Jeong Kang and Eun Jung Choi (Seoul Women’s University, Korea)
#1330 “Development of a Prototype for a Dementia Therapy AI Robot,” Seonghyeon Kim and Minhyoek Baek (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Korea); Gun Uk Kang (Keimyung University, Korea); Donghwa Jeong (MechaSolution, Inc., Korea); and Jaeson Pyeon (Taejon Christian International School, Daejeon, Korea)
Poster Session D – Social Science / Art & Design / Convergence Technology
15th, Aug. 09:30~11:00, Room#: ParkView 2, Session Chair: Dohyeun Kim (Jeju National University, Korea)
#1079 “An Empirical Study on Factors of Fintech Acceptance in Indonesia,” Myoung Suk Kim and Sera Lim (Seoul Women’s University, Korea)
#1058 “Medical Education using IT device to Increase Learning Satisfaction: Feasibility Testing among Patients,” Seunguk Yeon (Seoul Women’s University, Korea); Sukyong Seo (Eulji University, Korea)
#1078 “Cross-Border E-commerce Industry Trend in China: a Case Study on NetEase's Kaola,” Myoung Suk Kim and Do Hee Kim (Seoul Women’s University, Korea)
#1102 “A study on the production of the Theory of Virtuality in Animation : Focusing on Oscar Best Animated Scenes,” Geng Heqi (Dongseo University, Korea)
#1280 “A Study on the Digital Creation of Marine Life Paintings in 『JASANEOBO』 in the Joseon Dynasty Using the Korean Painting Technique,” Eunsol So and Soojin Lee (Seoul Women’s University, Korea); Youngsuk Lee (Dongguk University, Korea); Hyeyoung Ko (Seoul Women’s University, Korea)

ICCT2019 Paper List

* Click the paper title to view in your web browser *

Submission No Corresponding Author Paper Title (by Session Name)
    Session FR1
# 474
# 479
# 506
# 537
# 562
    Session FR2
# 553
# 568
# 591
# 619
    Session FR3
# 439
# 465
# 532
# 587
# 708
    Session FR4
# 461
# 478
# 519
# 569
# 574
    Session FR5
# 463
# 466
# 472
# 552
# 621
    Session ST-P1
# 460
# 536
# 557
# 558
# 782
# 783
    Session ST-P2
# 507
# 521
# 524
# 531
# 561
# 566
    Session ST-P3
# 593
# 604
# 617
# 774
# 781
# 932
    Session ST-P4
# 452
# 607
# 711
# 756
# 773
# 886
# 887
# 888
# 889
# 890
    Session ST-P5
# 519
# 525
# 528
    Session ST1
# 496
# 548
# 551
# 572
    Session ST2
# 1018
# 518
# 601
# 602
    Session ST3
# 606
# 608
# 618
# 779
    Session ST4
# 559
# 584
# 597
# 603
# 885
    Session ST5
# 468
# 482
# 511
# 529
# 775
    Session ST6
# 534
# 554
# 556
# 727
# 848
    Session ST7
# 533
# 573
# 586
# 598
# 620

Submission No Corresponding Author Paper Title (by Paper Submission Number)
# 1028 Hyunjin Chun Analysis of Design Preference Using 3D Technology-Focused on the Design of Highway Slope
# 1029 Peevara Parnitvitidkun Dimensions of Innovative Work Behavior: The Literature Survey
# 1045 Jintaek SEO Design of Components for Adaptable Game Server
# 1047 Intat Likitpolchaloon Fall Detection System for Elderly with Wi-Fi Accelerometer Sensor
# 1051 Kanitin Krikriengsri Virtual Thai Xylophone
# 1052 Kyung Min Kim A design an educational data mining framework for kindergarten free choice activities
# 1054 zhong jian Zhao China’s Farmland Landscape Evolution Based on Farmland Transfer(1949-2009)
# 1056 Haowen Wang Research on Geometric Modeling Optimization of Alien Architecture Based on 3D Printing
# 1058 Seunguk Yeon Medical Education using IT device to Increase Learning Satisfaction Feasibility Testing among Patients
# 1059 Zhang Jifa Research on Sustainable Design Based on Analysis of Sustainable Packaging Cases
# 1064 LUO HUANG HUANG A Study on the Design of the Taejongdae Tourist Information APP in Busan
# 1071 Hyeree Moon A Study on the Motivation and Completion of K-MOOC Animation Course - The Characters of Convergence in Animated Films
# 1074 Thatiany Andrade Nunes VR experiences and history through immersion: a case study on Titanic VR 2018
# 1075 Xiao Lin Analyzing the Semiotics of Chinese Animated Short Films: A Case Study on
# 1078 Myoung Suk Kim A case study on International Transaction Platform in China
# 1079 Myoung Suk Kim An Empirical Study on Factors of Fintech Acceptance in Indonesia
# 1084 ZIYI ZHANG Driver’s Smartphone Usage Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Network Using Multi-Camera
# 1088 Gu Jie Research on Manufacturing Engineering of Timing for Adjusting Motion Capture Data
# 1093 ZhengDong Hou Research on Theoretical Model of YouTube Subscription Behavior
# 1094 Kyung-Ae Cha Recognition of Korean Vowels using Bayesian Classification
# 1099 Woo Lahm Yoon A Development of Children’s Arts Experience Program of China: Experience Design Approach
# 1100 DING ZHIBO Analysis on Chinese people’s Preference of Emoticon Character “Kakao Friends” and “LINE Friends”
# 1102 GENG HEQI A study on the production of the Theory of Virtuality in Animation : Focusing on Oscar Best Animated Scenes
# 1107 Qiaoming Cheng
# 1110 SUN YUJUN An Analysis of the Public Facilities of Dadaepo Beach
# 1130 UNHA KIM A Comparative Study on Ex Machina and A Doll’s House — Focusing on the extreme asymmetry in power relations
# 1131 Thanutporn Pisanupoj Wearable computer Bright Shirt for Blind people
# 1141 Yongtae Kim Digital Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuron with Approximate Adders for Spiking Neural Networks
# 1147 WATCHIRA BURANASING Mobile Data Collection and Analysis for Cultural Heritage Acquisition Supporting Community based Tourism
# 1148 FAN ZHENKUN New Momentum of Cultural Creation: Feeling from the Experience in Taiwan
# 1151 JiaNi Zhou Analysis of Brittle Fracture Special Effects in SF Films by Period
# 1152 Meng zilu Research on the Relationship between Virtual Actors and Real Actors in the Short Animation Collection Love, Death and Robots
# 1154 Shu Zhang A study of The "Anti-Hero" Narration ----Base on Chinese Realistic Themes Films
# 1155 XUEYING YANG Comparison of Volumetric Lighting Rendering Based on CPU and GPU
# 1158 Young Jick Jang Persona Modeling based on UX Design for Behavior Pattern Analysis of AI NPC Character
# 1163 WentTing Li Comparison of Rendering Platform based on Hair Rendering
# 1169 La-or Kovavisaruch Recommendation system with limited time for visiting museum
# 1170 Li Shu Hang Simulation Analysis of the Facial Effect of VRAY _ SSS Material Using VRAY _ SSS Material
# 1172 JINGYU ZHANG The Characteristics of Regeneration design of the Region with Historical Industrial Heritages and Culture - Focused on Taoxichuan in Jingdezhen -
# 1174 WANG DAN A Study on the Universal Design in the Cultural Space - Center around the Busan Museum-
# 1175 Akkharawoot Takhom Toward Assessment for Language Learning: A Case Study in Thai Language Proficiency of Secondary and High School Learners
# 1186 DU BOYU A study on the Design Management System of Rural Complex based on Synergetics
# 1196 KIM JAEKYU, EELJIN CHAE Expanding Transmedia Storytelling into mutiverse, A case study of ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’
# 1197 JIA WANG Study on the improvement for Taejongdae's Tourism Signage System
# 1199 Chen Shaoshuai S4AI: Block-based AI Coding
# 1200 CHAO HUANG Emoticon Development Research on Product Users’ Emotion
# 1202 HANYI LU A Study on Characteristics of the Non-permanent Exhibition Space's Sign System
# 1207 Kanchana Saengthongpattana An Ontology-based Study of Cultural Tourism Knowledge Management: A Case Study of Thai Wikipedia Articles.
# 1216 DoHyeun Kim Secure Payment Mechanism Based on Blockchain for Fueling Vehicles in Smart City
# 1217 Supaporn Bundasak Apply LBPH algorithm to detect students in classroom
# 1218 Supaporn Bundasak Downtime prediction for refrigeration in gas separation plants
# 1219 Aye Chan Zay Hta Designing and Developing an Interactive Projection Mapping AR Book on Cultural Heritage of Myanmar
# 1220 Seungsoo Park Analysis of ICCT Research Trend using the ARTAS
# 1221 Hyohyun Son A Study on the Necessity of Standardization for SCRM
# 1226 DongWoo Lee A Study on Depth Perception and Method for Maximizing Immersive 3D Animated Dialogue Scenes
# 1227 Yoon-Kyung Nam Design of Binary Visualization for Malware Classification
# 1237 Eun Mi Park Calibration of 3D Sensors for Interactive AR Face Makeup System
# 1242 Limei Peng An Overview Study on 5G Millimeter Wave (mmWave) Beamforming
# 1248 Elena Kadura Investigation of the capabilities of convolutional neural networks in object classification problems for incoming video streams
# 1269 Wei Li From Technology-driven Design Development to Industry 4.0 Changing Design Trends
# 1271 Ariya Phukfon Energy Trading from Solar Roof Top
# 1275 Anna Popova Effectiveness of training devices application for development of muscle corset strength
# 1276 Elena Karachanskaya Mathematical modeling of the layered detachment technology of a 3d model during 3d products printing
# 1277 I Putu Agung Bayupati Developing Fangipani Identification for Android
# 1278 HYEYOUNG KO Real-Time Head Pose Estimation Using the Relationship of 4-Points on the Facial Feature
# 1280 HYEYOUNG KO A Study on the Digital Creation of Marine Life Paintings in 『JASANEOBO』 in the Joseon Dynasty Using the Korean Painting Technique
# 1282 Jiyeon Kim Network Intrusion Detection using Machine Learning Techniques
# 1283 Yangru UAV Path-planning in 3-Dimensional Space : A Brief Survey
# 1284 UIJEONG KANG A Study on speech recognition based on stereo files using MFCC
# 1285 Dong-Gyun Hong Image Processing-Based Separation of Object and Background
# 1290 Yulim Shin Visualization for noise labeling using deep learning
# 1292 Hyunjin Chun Interpretation of Cultural Landscape for Development of TOD
# 1297 Syed Hassan Ahmed Next hop Selection via Machine Learning in a Cloud-based Vehicular Named Data Networks: An Architectural Perspective
# 1300 Piyapat Jarusawat Community and Social Participation in Preserving Lanna Traditional Palm Leaf Manuscripts
# 1301 Deepanjali Mishra Disseminating Digitalization of Collaborative teaching: a strategy of Using Multimedia in Classroom
# 1302 Ajay Agarwal Human Activity Recognition System using R
# 1330 Jaeson Pyeon Development of a Prototype for a Dementia Therapy AI Robot


Guide Line for Authors/Chairs

Submission Policy

ICCT is a refereed conference and all submitters must accept the following agreement:

Making a submission to ICCT is a serious matter and we expect anyone submitting to ICCT to confirm the following:

  1. I confirm that this submission is the work of myself and my co-authors.
  2. I confirm that any research reported in this submission involving human subjects has gone through the appropriate approval process at my institution.
  3. I confirm that I have read the conference policies for publication and agree to abide by them.
  4. I confirm that I will treat the intellectual property and contributions of my fellow contributors and the reviewers of my work with respect.

Reviewing Policy

This section gives policy guidelines for the evaluation of material for ICCT Proceeding publication. The audience is both program chairs and potential authors.

  1. Submitted papers shall be reviewed by three qualified, independent reviewers who are asked to assess the relavance, originality, correctness and quality, validity of conclusion, and clarity of writing of the paper; and who are asked to provide a written review report that shall be provided to the author.
  2. In cases where reviewer comments suggest that a paper may be acceptable only with revisions, the author(s) shall have an opportunity to submit a revised paper. Minor revisions may be reviewed by the program committee or designee.

Reviewing Process

This section gives general reviewing process.

  1. All submissions should be made through the official "paper submisssion" menu of ICCT website and submitters must be a member of IACST(http://iacst.org). For an efficient and just review, submission by mail is not allowed. Including paper submission and review status verification, each submission and review process can be checked on the official ICCT website.
  2. Normal review usually takes one month and paper review result will be mailed when all three reviewers finish the review process. Also, the detail review results of the three reviews will be shown on ICCT website.
  3. At least one registration is required for each accepted paper and it can be done on the ICCT website.
  4. After the paper is published, the conference proceeding book will be posted on ICCT website.

Guideline for Authors


Oral Sessions

1. Duration of the Presentation
The allotted time for each speaker is 12 minutes to present and 6 minutes for Q&A.

2. Equipment in Presentation Room
Each presentation room will have a projector, a screen and a laptop computer running PowerPoint under MS Windows, equipped with USB port.

3. Preparation for Your Presentation Session
Bring a USB memory with your PowerPoint presentation and make sure that your file is copied on the laptop computer before your session starts. Please show up 15 minutes before the actual session starts and introduce yourself to the session chair. Be prepared to give some bibliographic details about yourself to the chairperson so that he/she can introduce you before your presentation.

Poster Sessions

1. Duration of the Presentation
The poster session has 60 minutes, requiring all presenters to be available at their posters during the session.

2. Poster Specification
Posters must be designed to fit a 841mm wide x 1189mm tall board. Posters may be prepared as a single poster or as several smaller sections mounted together. The heading of the poster should list the paper title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation(s).

3. Poster Set-Up
Posters may be attached to the boards by push pins or tapes, which will be provided. Posters must be set up by presenters 10 minutes before the session starts. Posters must be removed by presenters right after the session is over. Posters not removed by 10 minutes after the session will be removed by volunteers (session organizers not responsible for posters left after this deadline).


Guideline for Chairs


Before Your Session

1. Check the Program
Prior to departure for the meeting, check the program on our website (http://icct.iacst.org/index.php) to find the time slot for the session that you are chairing.

2. Pick Up the Materials for Session Chair from Registration Desk
Please arrive at the registration desk about 20minutes prior to the start of the session and pick up the material prepared for a session chair.

3. Check the Meeting Room
Please arrive at the session room about 10 minutes prior to the start of the session and familiarize yourself with the controls for lights, microphones, a pointer, and a projector. If you encounter problems, immediately alert the session staff who is serving your session in the session room. Meanwhile, you have to check the presence of individual speaker in your session.

During Your Session

1. Introduction
At the start of the session, briefly introduce yourself and explain the timing system to the audience, and as often during the session as you think necessary.

2. Time Allotment
The allotted time for each speaker is 15 minutes to present and 5 minutes for Q&A. . If possible, you may give a brief introduction of the speaker to the audience, including his or her affiliation and position, at the beginning of each presentation.

3. Absent Speakers
Should a speaker fail to appear, you may recess the session until it is time for the next scheduled abstract. If you are notified of the absence of any speaker before the session starts, please announce it to the audience. You have to report the absence of any speaker to the secretariat for conference administration at the registration desk.



*** At least one author of each accepted paper MUST register and present paper at the conference in order for the paper to be included in the program. Additional authors also have to register to join the conference sessions and banquet. ***

Registration Fee

Regular 1st Paper Registration : US$ 500
Regular 1st Paper Early Registration : US$ 450 (by July 25, 2019)
Regular 2nd Paper or Additional Author Registration : US$ 300
Regular 1st/2nd Paper Registration from Developing Countries : US$ 400
ACM / ACM SIGAPP Member Registration : US$ 400
Student Paper Registration : US$ 450
Participation w/o Paper Submission : US$ 300

Registration by Bank Transfer

Please refer to the following account for bank transfer:

Swift Bic : KOEXKRSE
Account # : 271-890008-57838
Account Name : IACST(International Association for Convergence Science & Technology)
Bank Address : 16, Baegyang-daero 324bon-gil, Sasang-gu, Busan SINJURYE SUB-BRANCH

For those who want to send Korean-Won(₩), instead of US dollars for bank-transfer, please use the following account :

Bank Name : HANA BANK
Account # : 271-890005-94904
Account Name : IACST(International Association for Convergence Science & Technology)

Registration by PAYPAL

Registration Type

한국내에서의 신용카드 결제

한국에서 신용카드로 등록비를 결제하실 경우 이 곳을 선택하시면 결제 창으로 이동합니다. 등록비 영수증이 미리 필요하신분은 icct@iacst.org로 연락 주시기 바랍니다.

Venue, Accommodation & Travel Information

Conference Venue

Siam Bayshore Resort Pattaya, Pattaya, Thailand

Address:Siam Bayshore
559 Beach Road, Pattaya City Chonburi, 20150, Thailand
Tel: +66 38 428 678 Fax: +66 38 428 730

Travelling to Pattaya
By car:
Pattaya can be reached in a two-hour drive along the Bangna-Trat Highway via Bang Pakong, Chonburi and Si Racha. However, visitors can avoid Chonburi by opting for Highway 36, the new Chon Buri - Pattaya - Rayong route.

By bus:
Regular air-conditioned buses depart from Bangkok's Eastern Bus Terminal (Ekkamai) and Northern Bus Terminal (Mochit) daily. Buses depart the Eastern Bus Terminal every 30 minutes, from 5:00 am to 10:00 pm, and from the Northern Bus Terminal frequently between 5:00 am to 7:00 pm. You can also hop a mini-van from Century One shopping mall (beside Victory Monument) just up the road from the hotel. This is a very fast and convenient option; rides take just 1.5hrs and cost Bht 120. There are also a few minibuses that travel directly from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport to Pattaya, departing 9:00 am, 12:00 pm and 7:00 pm daily.

Getting Around Pattaya
Baht Buses:
"Baht Buses" are blue pick-up trucks with a hard canopy top and bench seats in the back. Around Pattaya all you have to do is flag down the driver with a small gesture, get on, wait until you are about five meters from your exact destination, ring the bell on the ceiling and your driver will stop. You pay him through the window on the pavement side. Do remember to keep some change for these as they don't like changing large notes. The standard fee for anywhere on the route is 10 baht for foreigners. Fares for longer stages are written in the back of every taxi.

Proper taxis with air-con are available for trips anywhere, not just to the airport. These taxis are not normally metered and any trip is subject to bargaining. However there are various standard fares, and most taxi firms advertise these. Most of the drivers speak a bit of English and are great sources of information. Otherwise, our hotel is happy to arrange transport to any destination, please speak with our Travel Counter for details.

Motorbike-taxis are a way of life in Pattaya. If you want to get to somewhere quickly or conveniently, particularly at busy times, these are your best option. On every corner in Pattaya, you'll find a gathering of motos. They are there 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. These drivers will take you anywhere for 20/50 baht each depending upon the distance. As always in Thailand, remember to negotiate the price before heading off.

Pattaya Council has recently started a bus service with three routes around the city and up to Sukhumvit Road and Jomtien Beach. These buses are not as regular or as easy to find as a Baht Bus or moto though. A leaflet about bus routes cab be obtained from the hotel.



We reserved the SIam Bayshore Resort rooms for participants. Please contact IACST secretary at icct@iacst.org for hotel reservation.


Chonburi & Pattaya

Thailand and Pattaya

Chonburi and Pattaya Information


ICCT2019 Proceeding

*** ICCT2019 Paper Template : Click here to download. ***
*** ICCT2019 Copyright Form: Click here to download. ***

*** ICCT2019 Call for Session: Click here to download. ***
*** ICCT2019 Session Information: Click here to download. ***